Mafia in the 1920's

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Mafia in the 1920's

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Mafia in the 1920's. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. Mafia in the 1920's

The origins of the mafia phenomenon dating back to the Middle Ages, when Sicily was under foreign domination and obedience wealthy families obtained through formal communal operate of land. The Mafia, organizationally, did not have a hierarchy, but was composed of autonomous groups who called themselves "men of honor." In those years, the landed aristocracy allied with communal leaders and created a conservative power structure and stable, a strategy that allowed it to sustain its dominance in Sicily thereafter.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

Guided by a code of guide called Omerta, the Mafia has swiftly become an organization wholly covering the law. The mob forced the code to be against justice, and also avoid any sense with her.In the early twentieth century, some members of this organization migrated to North America, specifically to the United States, thus spreading internationally clandestine criminal organizations.

Over time, the U.S. Became the town of all crimes of the Mafia, since this country was restricting gambling and alcohol, which led to a large smuggling.The history of the Mafia has served to understand the source, structure, functioning and operate mechanisms of criminal organizations, which has been a beneficial tool to study how they operate smugglers, murderers and drug cartels in the world more dangerous.

From 1920 began the golden age for international gangsters. Sicilian criminals soon found followers worldwide, prompting the organization of organized crime groups in China, Russia, Cuba and the United States. The latter country was the beloved of these criminals, because it could for real be corrupted, to achieve any illegal act at the time.

Here are the most predominant gangsters:

Al Capone (1899-1947).

He is also known as Scarface. It was the most important representation as to the history of the Mafia is concerned. It was noted for having the dirtiest firm in the city of Chicago and for hosting the worst wars in the middle of the gangs of mobsters. By 1925, Al Capone became the owner of the Chicago underworld and his fortune amounted to one hundred million dollars. He was persecuted by the law for years, but his capability to corrupt evaded any justice.
Without clutch, after many years of persecution, Al Capone was caught for tax evasion and sentenced to eleven years in prison. He was transferred to Alcatraz federal prison and was granted after eight years parole.

Johnny Torrio (1882-1957).

Famous for his illegal firm guide in a violent manner, this criminal was a mentor to Al Capone and a leader within the hierarchy of the gangster. In 1924 he had been shot while fighting someone else band.

Dutch Schultz (1902-1935).

It was called the Beer Capo, for conducting all negotiations of this drink smuggled into New York City. He was killed by the justice of this city for being a threat to the district attorneys.

I hope you have new knowledge about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. Where you possibly can offer use in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.


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