American Mobsters - The Whyos street Gang

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - American Mobsters - The Whyos street Gang

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - American Mobsters - The Whyos street Gang. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and you. American Mobsters - The Whyos street Gang

The Whyos were a vicious Irish street gang that ruled Lower Manhattan, beginning right after the Civil War and running through the 1890's. The gang started out as the offshoot of a pre-Civil War gang called the Chichesters. Their headquarters was in the 6th Ward on Baxter Street, at one time Orange Street, and named after Mexican War hero Lt. Col. Charles Baxter.

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List

The Whyos got their name from the bird calls they made to each other, to identify themselves as members of the gang. When they first appeared on the streets of Lower Manhattan, the Whyos cruised the area called Mulberry Bend, robbing, beating and killing with ungodly gusto. Soon they extended their domain to the Lower West Side, into Greenwich Village, then added north. The Whyos popular hangout was a dive on the corner of Mulberry and Worth called "The Morgue." An apt name, since it was estimated that over a hundred murders took place on the premises. The bar owner boasted his booze was powerful and quite tasty, but could also be used an an excellent embalming fluid.

Myth had it, that in order to become a member of the Whyos, a aspiring member had to kill, or at least made an effort to kill someone. One of their early leaders was Mike McCoin, who was hanged in the Tombs on March, 8, 1883, for the slingshot murder of a saloon owner on West Twenty-Sixth Street, named Louis Hanier. The day after he killed Hanier, McCoin announced to his gang, "A guy ain't tough until he's knocked his man out (killed)." Some hard men took McCoin's remark to heart, and a string of murders followed, precipitating new members being inducted into the gang.

The Whyos reached the height of their power in the 1880's, when such miscreants such as Big Jim Hines terrorized the city. Hines was the first person to hold up struss games, which were the run by the Italian and Jewish gangs, and a great source of earnings to boot. The struss games were played nightly in numerous locations, from east of the Bowery, up to Fourteenth Street, then west to Broadway. And practically every night, Hines bounced from one game to another, a huge gun in each hand. Using impending force, Hines extracted a ration of each game, gracefully, all the time leaving a nice cut for the house.

Once, after he was arrested, he told a detective, "Them guys must be nuts. Don't I all the time leave 'em somethin'? All I want is me share."

In 1884, Whyos member Piker Ryan was arrested for one of his many crimes. The police found a book on him, with prices for a laundry list of crimes the Whyos performed for monetary profit. The list read:

Punching -- ,
Both eyes blacked --
Nose and jaw broke --
Jacked out --
Ear chewed off --
Leg or arm broke --
Shot in the leg --
Stab --
Doing the big job (murder) -- 0 and up

Another prominent Whyos member was Dandy Johnny Dolan, who was fastidious in dress, with oiled and plastered hair, and a penchant for wearing only the finest shoe apparel available. Dolan was also the creator of two gruesome weapons. The first was sections of ax blade embedded in the sole of his "Fighting Shoes," which he used to stomp and stab a fallen foe. The other was an "eye gouger" made of brass and worn on his thumb.

On August 22, 1875, Dolan decided to rob a brush builder at 275 Greenwich Street. On the premises, he confronted James H. Noe and bashed him over the head with an iron crowbar. Then he proceeded to rob him of money, a gold watch and chain, and Mr. Noe's walking stick, which had a metal deal with formed in the shape of a monkey. But before Dolan left, he gouged out both of Mr Noe's eyes with his "eye gouger," then proudly showed the eyeballs to his pals. Mr. Noe died a few days later, and when Dolan was soon arrested, he was walking with Mr. Noe's distinctive cane and carrying Mr. Noe's eyeballs in his pocket. As a result, Dolan was tried and convicted of murder, and hung in the courtyard of the Tombs Prison on April 21, 1876.

The most celebrated of the Whyos leaders were a combine of Dannys; Messers Driscoll and Lyons, who co-ran the Whyos in the 1880's. In 1888, Driscoll became complicated in a gunfight with Five Points gang member John McCarthy, over the affections of a prostitute named Beezy Garrity. Not being the many gunslinger, Driscoll accidentally shot and killed, Ms. Garrity instead, and he was hanged for his mistake on January 22, 1888.

Lyons was thought about the most vicious gangster of the 1880's. And his downfall was an seminar over a young lady too. It seemed Lyons snatched Pretty Kitty McGown from her paramour Joseph Quinn. Quinn vowed revenge and on July 4th, 1887, the two men squared off with guns at Paradise quadrate in the Five Points area. Lyons was a good with a gun than his pal Driscoll had been, and he shot Quinn right through the heart, killing him on the spot. Lyons took it on the lam for a few months, but was finally captured and hung at the Tombs Prison on August, 21, 1888, just seven months after Driscoll had met the same fate.

After the deaths of Lyons and Driscoll, the Whyos fell into disarray. In the late 1890's, Monk Eastman defeated what was left of the Whyos, and with Paul Kelly, leader of the Five Points Gang, they fought for operate of all the rackets in Lower Manhattan for years to come.

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Can I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test?

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Can I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test?

Good afternoon. Today, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Can I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test?. Which is very helpful for me so you. Can I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test?

When you are pulled over on suspicion of Dui, you may be asked to submit to a Breathalyzer test. The alcohol Breathalyzer test will part the number of alcohol in your blood stream. Most citizen have heard of the Breathalyzer, but there is a lot of confusion about what it does exactly and whether or not you should agree to take one.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

In fact, you may not even know that you are allowed to refuse the Breathalyzer test. While you do not have to take the alcohol Breathalyzer, you may suffer some negative consequences by refusing the Breathalyzer.

Before you are asked to give a Breathalyzer test, you will regularly be asked to achieve several field sobriety tests. You can and should refuse to submit to any field sobriety tests.

For some states, refusing a Breathalyzer test means that you go to jail, period. It can in fact be carefully a crime to refuse a Breathalyzer in some states. That means that refusing a Breathalyzer may cause you to serve more jail time than of you were only convicted for Dui. In addition, in some states when you refuse a Breathalyzer it is carefully evidence that you think you are guilty. As you can see, there are some negative consequences of refusing a Breathalyzer.

While many citizen believe that Breathalyzer tests are extremely scientific and irrefutable, in reality they are not 100% accurate. In fact, there have been arguments that the Breathalyzer, while very sensitive, yields results that are not specific enough. That means that while they will test positive for the alcohol in your blood, other chemicals may also cause positive results. If this happens your Breathalyzer results will be falsely elevated.

Breathalyzers can yield false positives from several curative conditions including diabetes, smoking and alcoholism. Inhaling other chemicals such as paint fumes can also lead to positive Breathalyzer results. As a result, your alcohol Breathalyzer test ensue may not be thoroughly accurate.

Often a positive Breathalyzer ensue will lead to other test. Alcohol levels can also be carefully from testing your urine or blood, not just from a Breathalyzer. These tests are more specific and are adored as evidence in court over the Breathalyzer test results. These tests are used to confirm what was found in the alcohol Breathalyzer before proceeding with a conviction.

When you are asked to take a Breathalyzer test, you do have the right to refuse. However, you should think about the consequences of refusing. If you are in doubt about whether to take a Breathalyzer, you can always ask to speak with your attorney. At that point the police will end all testing, including the Breathalyzer. However, you will still be booked for the Dui. If you are positive that you are below the legal limit. You can take the Breathalyzer test and then you will be free to go on your way if you are below the legal limit.

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Sex Scandals

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Sex Scandals

Good evening. Yesterday, I learned about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Sex Scandals. Which is very helpful in my opinion therefore you. Sex Scandals

Every time I turn on the television or read a newspaper these days it seems that there is another politician or celebrity who has been complex in a sexual scandal.

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List

Whether it involves prostitution rings, bathroom solicitations for homosexual encounters, child perpetrators, extra-marital affairs, pornography or multiple-partner liaisons, it seems to be rather complex and disturbing to not only those close to them but also many individuals in society.

We cannot help but wonder why citizen who spend years of their lives into developing a vocation and house will risk it all for sex.

One treatment Hat lawyer is very wise in his warnings to others. He states "You can spend a lifetime developing a credit and then lose it all in a second". Some theorists believe that many citizen in power they think they are above the law and can do as they please. Others believe that those complex think they can buy enough confidentiality to protect themselves from "getting caught". A third group argues that those who are complex either consciously or subconsciously desire to get caught because they desperately want help.

There are three types of response that succeed the media revelations. The first involves denial. The private adamantly rejects any accusations and states that s/he will not be leaving anyone job or position is held. Sometimes other individuals show retain straight through character references. It has become tasteless to view wives who stand in silence beside the podium while her husband reads from a ready statement.

Over time and when supplementary data is revealed, we often hear a second type of response which involves admitting to the behaviours and then apologizing to house and society. This is normally accompanied by promises to seek out treatment and then work within the society to help others in similar situations.

The third response comes from those who admit that they were complex but deny that there is anyone "wrong" with what they did. They argue that they are entitled to do as they wish because collective and incommunicable matters do not overlap.

Regardless of the response that the someone chooses, there are consequences. Partners are normally shocked, children are embarrassed and careers are jeopardized. Some cases even succeed in criminal charges or jail terms because of connected activities.

No matter what is said, it is bright to reconsider how long the collective memory of society can be. Even when the private uses his or her situation to enhance the lot of others, it seems that the memory of the "original sin" is strong.

Decades after a scandal becomes media fodder, the citizen complex are remembered for their involvement in it. It seems a shame that citizen don't understand the full impact and consequences that their choices will bring before they begin acting out their fantasies. The media would have a lot less to record when it comes to sex scandals.

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The Oz Principle - A Book overview

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Summary - The Oz Principle - A Book overview

Hello everybody. Now, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Summary - The Oz Principle - A Book overview. Which may be very helpful in my experience and also you. The Oz Principle - A Book overview

In The Oz Principle, Connors, Smith, and Hickman brilliantly use the analogy of "The Wizard of Oz" to discuss a business doctrine aimed in propelling individuals and organizations to overcome unfavorable circumstances and achieve desired results. This doctrine can be encompassed in one word: Accountability.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Summary

The eponymous principle builds upon the ethos of personal and organizational accountability. It explores the root cause of an organization's impediments to exceptional performance and productivity, and provides great understanding on how to re-establish a business from the bottom up, emphasizing on the thin line that separates success from failure. The Above The Line, Below The Line methodology is the driving force behind The Oz Principle.

The Oz Principle: Getting Results through Accountability

Just like Dorothy's hunt for the Wizard of Oz for enlightenment, individuals and organizations also seek out the wizard that will save them from the maladies that afflict their workplace. However, the wizard is just a distraction, bearing new-fangled business philosophies and management fads that will only generate a layer atop the ugly truth that needs to be revealed. When the core problem is not addressed, the ills will
eventually resurface and the business is back to its sorry state.

Victim mental or Failed Accountability

When a business suffers from poor performance or unsatisfactory results, individuals from top management all the way to the front line begin finger-pointing, forming excuses, rationalizing, and justifying, instead of doing something to alleviate the situation. They foolishly articulate that the circumstances have made victims of them, that the events are fully out of their control, and that they shouldn't be blamed for the company's current problems. It's all the time something or person else, never themselves.

Above The Line, Below The Line

A thin line separates failure and success, greatness and mediocrity.

Above The Line, you'll find the Steps to responsibility which include in chronological order: See It, Own It, Solve It, and Do It. The first step, See It, means acknowledging the problem; to Own It is to assume responsibility for the problem and the results; Solve It means to formulate solutions to remedy the situation; and, as a culminating step, Do It commands the
practical application of the solutions identified.

Below The Line is where the self-professed victims play

The Blame Game. Here, crippling attitudes such as Wait and See, Confusion/Tell Me What To Do, It's Not My Job, Ignore/Deny, Finger Pointing, and Cover Your Tail are rampant. Though majority of the habitancy found in this size are weak in accountability, this does not mean that very accountable individuals are exempt from falling Below The Line. They, too, slip every now and then. The only variation is that they know how to get out of the rut.

A straightforward explication to Victimization

Individuals and organizations Below The Line languish in
self-pity until they get trapped in the "I Am a Victim"
mind-set and find it hard to break free from the vicious cycle. responsibility offers a very straightforward choice to make, albeit a difficult one to act upon: "You can whether get stuck or get results." So stark in its simplicity that most habitancy fail to perceive that the ball has all the time been in their court.

The Power of personel Accountability: captivating Yourself
Above The Line

The first step to responsibility is recognizing the problem.
It takes great courage to admit that you are stuck in a
difficult situation. Most people, however, fail to view
reality the way it is because they pick to ignore it or
they accept the situation as the status quo and go along
with it.

To begin the march up the Steps to Accountability, you must first muster the courage to: a) identify when you fall Below The Line; b) perceive that remaining Below The Line not only ignores the real problem but leads to increasingly poor results; and c) riposte and accept reality as the first step toward taking accountability.

Mustering the courage to See It will lead to the next step,
Owning It. Here, you must have the heart to own the
circumstances you've recognized in the See It step as well
as the results that will come from the procedure of action you
plan to take.

"What else can I do to rise above my circumstances and achieve the results I want?" That is the inquire to continually ask yourself when you find yourself stuck in a stubborn situation. Apart from creating solutions, Solving It also involves vision in determining the worst inherent scenario that can happen, and being ready to battle it head on.

Having solutions is not adequate if you neglect practical
application. You can't Do It unless you make yourself
accountable not only for immediate circumstances but also for hereafter accomplishment. With this, you are empowering not only yourself but also your organization.

It's so easy to be pulled back Below The Line, especially if you don't accept full responsibility for the situation and the future. A lot habitancy are afraid to become accountable because they fear the risks related with it. However, know that without taking the big leap, you will never get anywhere.

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Some worker Goal Examples

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Some worker Goal Examples

Good morning. Yesterday, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Some worker Goal Examples. Which may be very helpful in my experience and also you. Some worker Goal Examples

Here are some worker goal examples that will help you to growth the efficiency in your work place. Your employees could set goals like these:

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"I will growth my sales by 15% by the end of the quarter"

"I will assemble a team of 4 people and we will complete scheme X by February"

"I will go to a consulation on time supervision on 20 June"

"I will arrive to work on time every day for the next year"

"I will cut spending in my branch by 10% by the end of the financial year"

What makes these goals effective? They effect the S.M.A.R.T method of goal setting because they are:

These goals are written clearly and concisely. When you set goals for your employees make sure that they are so clear that it is easy to resolve either or not the goal has been completed.

The goals above can de facto be measured on a chart. Make sure your employees measure their strengthen towards the goal every day or week to motivate them and so that you can be aware of their progress.

This will depend upon the capability of your employee. Set them a goal with about a 70% chance of them completing. The idea is to set a tantalizing goal for impressive results that isn't so tantalizing that it deters them from manufacture progress.

When you give your employees goals make sure that the results will furnish a true benefit to the company. They should address the most pressing issues your enterprise faces or take benefit of the most lucrative opportunities.

This is a must. All the time put a deadline on your employees' goals so they are motivated to keep working towards achieving it.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. Where you possibly can put to used in your evryday life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.

distinct Parenting Strengths

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes - distinct Parenting Strengths

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes - distinct Parenting Strengths. Which may be very helpful for me therefore you. distinct Parenting Strengths

Chuck and Priscilla were at their wits' end. They are the parents of two teen-aged girls, and two younger boys. The eldest, Charlotte, is out-of-control. As each child approaches adolescence, they seem to come to be impossible. "We don't know what to do anymore!" Priscilla wails. "I do all things for them. Charlotte and Chuck fight constantly. He expects her to respect him, but she swears at him when he makes the slightest demand. Then he gets mad and starts yelling, and it's all over! She's a top trainee and athlete. Why won't she be more compliant at home? And now Gertie, my 13 year-old, is beginning to act out. She talks back something fierce! The boys never do anything colse to the house. Their grandparents think they are all out of control. I don't know how much more of this I can take!"

What I said. It is not in conclusion that the real about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes. You look at this article for information about what you want to know is 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes.

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes

Many parents feel unavoidable in their skills while their children are little, only to wonder how it all got away from them as their kids reach the pre-teen years. And who are these strangers inhabiting their adolescents' bodies, and what did they do with the off-spring we knew, anyway?

Parenting is not the same as it used to be. Fewer families comprise a stay-at-home parent. Economically, most families need both parents to be in the work force. More women are singular parents. The kids who are teens now were in daycare or otherwise looked after by habitancy other than their parents. They don't see us as the arbiters of their lives or as the holders of all the keys, because we no longer are. As well, Tv and computers have made data in effect accessible by children - data that, just a few years ago, was the domain of adults. The way we protected children in the past from overwhelming material such as sexual images, disasters, and pictures of war-torn bodies, was to keep it unavailable. Now that is approximately impossible. Children are traumatized by the news.

They are also feeling weighty pressure to be complex in activities and interests that their peers and the media tell them they are ready for. Advertising, loosened standards in Tv programs and movies, and the availability of adult content, are all production our children (and many parents, actually) believe that ten-year-olds should be implicated about deodorant, and engage in sexual behaviors.

We are all racing - kids and parents alike. Society runs at a much faster pace. Music, Tv shows, sentence structure and pacing in books, magazines, even symphonies, have sped up drastically. There is an overwhelming estimate of data bombarding us and demanding that we sass to it instantly. There is more data in one Sunday issue of the New York Times than in all the books that existed in the 16th century. We work longer, vacation less (in the Usa), and are anticipated to be available by phone, hand-held, and computer 24/7. On top of all this, neighborhoods are not as safe as before. Gangs, drugs, and violence are not restricted to inner cities.

When parents come to me, often they want to reduce some unacceptable behavior in their child. Old parenting styles that many of us were raised with, were based on behavior control. They worked moderately well then, because children were more dependent on their parents. Today, the same methods often have wildly unsuccessful results, in that they spark dramatic reactions in our children that are often the exact opposite of what we hoped for. When parents now use a domineering tone, lay down the law, and are unaware of their child's point of view, while expecting instant and unquestioning obedience, pre-teens and teens often react with aggression or rejection in terms that we'd never have dared to use. We cannot focus naturally on behavior cessation or our own relax levels. There is nothing more silly and helpless than the feeling you get when you bellow, "You're not going in any place until you clean your room!" and have the kid shoot you that who-are-you-kidding sneer and stalk out of the house. Parents feel shell-shocked and confused, and the children feel disrespected, misunderstood, and alone.

What we need now are the skills that will help our kids see us as their major support. We need to help them learn to navigate the world as it is today. They need to take risks within a inexpensive range, learn from their mistakes within the security of a house that knows the value of trial and error. We need to make sure that our families help young habitancy think about situations, options, and consequences.

It is difficult to give up old patterns and to try new ones. The benefits are legion. As painful as the tumult often is in today's families, we can see it as an opportunity, if we view the chaos from within a unavoidable psychology framework. We have the chance to lay a foundation for prolonged association and comprehension with our young children, to build real and lasting closeness with our adolescents, and in so doing, to work beyond some of the hurts we may still be carrying from our own childhoods, by learning to have more meaningful and warm relationships with our kids. It is so easy, in the face of kids' changing behavior and moodiness, to lose sight of the fact that we have overwhelming skills. While they treat us as if we are clueless, ridiculous, and offensive, it is imperative that we profess our own reality. The more we can profess our own equanimity and center, the more they will obtain these same strengths, to help with the pressures that face them in years to come.

Priscilla and Chuck started by uncovering their assumptions about families, as well as the patterns they inherited from their own upbringings. We looked at the effects of these patterns on the present. Then we discussed what is causing their children to act the way they are. This data included general developmental phases as well as how modern culture and environmental factors have accelerated kids' behavior. (It is not only a relief for parents to have more comprehension into their child's reality, it helps immeasurably in staying calm and in being comprehension during conflicts, rather than reacting only to the face behavior.)

Once the elements feeding into the tumult were uncovered, Priscilla and Chuck paused to remember why they wanted to have a house in the first place - the spiritual, loving, giving, connected, creative, nourishing reasons for generating and supporting life. Then they identified their signature strengths, as identified by the explore in unavoidable psychology spear-headed by Chris Peterson and Martin Seligman. We brainstormed parenting applications. Parents feel empowered to sass and apply their Values In action (Vias, as they are called) such as curiosity, loving, perseverance, genuineness, open-mindedness, kindness, leadership. For example, Priscilla has perseverance/diligence as a strength. We talked about how she could redirect it from doing all the chores and running herself ragged, to setting up job plans and following straight through with consistency. She could apply her vigor to learning more about child development, new approaches to discipline, as well as putting more emphasis her own well-being within the family.

But the Via signature strengths are not the only characteristics that parents have or need!
After working to upgrade my own parenting skills and helping many families, I
have identified a list of unavoidable Parenting Strengths (you could call them Values in Parenting - Vip's) that are explicitly helpful in house life. We have many of the unavoidable Parenting Strengths in abundance but don't all the time identify them as valuable. As parents identify these attributes and attend mindfully to increasing their use in situations, we feel more assured in our parenting. increasing our trust on these strengths also tends to give us more trust in our communities and in work lives, as we see them help in all relationships.

The Vips list is meant as an adjunct to the Via list, so I have not replicated the many needful parenting skills, such as authenticity, curiosity, love of learning in the original. The two can be used together to focus and heighten parents' efforts.

Here, then, is the list I propose as unavoidable Parenting Strengths (Pps's). These are skills that help parents of any aged child heighten communication, feel more calm and confident, and profess loving connections. Read straight through the Strengths and identify those which you identify as your top five. Following the list are some exercises you may use to apply your strengths to sticky events in your family.

1) Staying Grounded

You are able to stop, breathe, and connect in with the lower half of your body, especially when you find yourself getting worked up. You settle, turn inward, and feel the power consuming in your abdomen, pelvis, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and feet. You feel your power joining with the power of the earth, so that you feel connected, rather than like a helium balloon that man forgot to knot after blowing up. You stay internally gift in difficult and emotional situations.

2) Centered

You have a strong sense of your true self, and you feel it as a place in which you reside in yourself. You have a clear caress of the disagreement between your personality and your Being. You are good at convention yourself, not being distracted, or pulled into self-judgment. When the going gets tough, rather than reacting by scattering or closing down, you make a point of staying open and self-aware. You know that being centered connects you to spirit and to well-being.

3) Empathic

You are able to see the world though your children's eyes. You see their feelings and reactions as valid, given their caress and level of development. When they have a hard time, you make an endeavor to reflect back to them an comprehension of what it must be like for them. You look beyond rude behavior to try to see what is going on inside. If there is a situation that repeatedly drives you crazy, you make sure you take the time to imagine, not only what this situation must be like for them, but what it must mean, given their history. You are able to imagine the scenario as if you are in their body and mind, see what it means to them, and what gets stirred up. You gain comprehension that helps you modify future situations. Doing so frees you from feeling upset by their behavior and often leads to their being calmer and more open.

4) Communicator

You identify that good transportation is a skill and is not automatic. You think carefully, and in advance, what you want to perform in communicating with your children. You plan and institution transportation patterns that elicit thoughtful and relatively calm interactions. You are good at orchestrating conversations that enable children to learn life skills. You know that it is much more prominent to ask questions than it is to furnish answers. You help them, by request questions, learn to think straight through situations, anticipate consequences, and reconsider alternatives.

You want them to learn how to work things out for themselves, so you work to operate your emotional reactions to things that they might say, in order to reach the larger goals of open interaction, problem-solving, decision-making, self-confidence, and public skills.

Your strong points are paraphrasing what they've said, so as to make sure you heard correctly, request questions about the topic and about their thoughts, feelings, responses and actions. "How did you feel then?", "What possibilities are there?" "What happened next?" "What do you want to do about it?" "Who could you talk to about that?" are your stock in trade. You love it when your kids surprise you by advent up with solutions that hadn't occurred to you.

5) Connector

You place a high value upon staying emotionally linked with your children, even when they act badly or when the two of you are having an argument. You stay present, authentic, and aware of your own feelings, as well as those of your child. You work at looking ways to profess energetic and emotional ties with your child and stay with it to work things out, rather than giving up. If you need to take a break, you call a time-out, so that everyone has a chance to cool off, without anything feeling rejected or shut out. If they come home in a bad mood, you let them have their chance to cool off, yet you profess the sense inside yourself that you are together and that you love each other.

6) Educator

You remember that the goal of parenthood is to educate over time. You are able to keep in mind that growing up is a process, and that you are engaged in raising wonderful, normal, fallible humans, not robots. You can remember, even in the heat of the moment, that the gift behavior is not as prominent as the lessons you want your children to learn, such as thoughtfulness, self-reflection, and problem-solving. You tailor your parenting to further the long-term goal and remember that instruction takes years and many steps, and that your children do not have to specialist adult skills instantly, just work toward them gradually.

7) Process expert

You know that the goal is not what is important. The journey is. It is in the process of daily routines that life is lived and savored. You are comfortable with the messiness and incompleteness of the mundane. You keep you eye on what furthers the processes of house life - communicating, being, allowing, working through, tolerating, and the like. You are able to pull back from a situation and consideration what is going on in the way that it is unfolding, which you often find more prominent than the topic. What is prominent to you is the way things are engaged in, more than the thing itself. You also relax and take time to be with your children while they are going straight through their processes, thereby helping them to be comfortable in the moment.

8) Acceptor

You in effect see who your children are - their strengths, weaknesses, the direction they are going - rather than being locked in a view of who you want them to be, or who you can tolerate them being. Much as you would like to raise a concert pianist, you appreciate and nurture your child's talent as a wrestler. You raise the child you have, in the way that they need, even if it is not your first choice. If your child needs firm, clear boundaries delivered in imperative sentences, even if you tend toward the polite and talkative and like to ask for acquiescence, you rally yourself to furnish structure in the way he or she needs.

9) holder of Optimism

You hold in your heart, and therefore hold for your child, conviction of their potential, who they truly are, and who they can become. You remember that, if they are adolescent, their brains are changing and they are hormonally challenged. Even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary, you know that they in effect are the kind, caring, loving, skillful, consuming habitancy you remember from before. You keep reminding yourself of this, so that you don't think for too long that monsters have taken over their morphing bodies. You gift a photograph to them of their best selves. You know that, inside all their posturing, teens are very brittle, sensitive, unsure, confused about what is happening, of the new pressures, and of their own actions. You know that it matters to them, a lot, to see in your eyes the habitancy they hope they are becoming.

10) structure expert

You know that structure makes growth, opportunity, relationships, and achievement possible, that boundaries do not cut habitancy off from each other, so much as they clarify, define, and protect. You are clear about your own boundaries and the areas of life that are impacted by boundary issues. You are clear who you are, and what your lowest line is in different areas. You take care of yourself, have clear limits, equilibrium assorted areas in the way that works best for you and your family. You are able to be flexible, not rigidly adhering to dogma when unforeseen factors indicate the need to take a different approach. You communicate your expectations clearly in a way that each child can hear.

11) Equanimity

You remain contented and peaceful, even when those colse to you are having a hard time.
You take a deep breath and profess the feeling of calm that helps storm-tossed children and teens to orient themselves. You do not cut yourself off from them in order to feel happy. You are gift and available, without being pulled into their angst. You remember that things mostly work out for the best, even if they don't look as if they are going so well at the moment.

12) Autonomy

You see yourself as a unique individual, and you see your children and partner as individuals as well. You know you can stand on your own, and you stand up for yourself. You treat yourself compassionately with regard to your shortcomings. You honor your history for the caress and wisdom you have gleaned from it. You have come to terms with pain in your past, so that when it is triggered in the present, you are not thrown into reactive behavior without catching yourself. You know you are responsible for your caress and your behavior. It is fine with you that other habitancy are humans with strengths and weaknesses. You accept them as they are.

13) Sovereignty

You know that, ultimately, each man must depend upon themselves. You know that the best way to train children to be self-reliant is to treat them as individuals with possession to be treated respectfully and with honor, even when they make mistakes and are still learning, even when they screw up royally. As Elizabeth Cady Stanton said in 1892, in front of the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Congress, "Nothing strengthens the judgment and quickens the conscience like personel responsibility. Nothing adds such dignity to character as the recognition of one's self-sovereignty; the right to an equal place, every where conceded; a place earned by personal merit." You know that teens feel badly adequate about themselves, and that their shame escalates very quickly, if they feel reacted to as if they are despicable. You are committed to treating them considerately, honoring their boundaries, and responding to their difficulties in ways that teach deep respect straight through example.

14) Enthusiast

You love the many possibilities there are in life. You love to learn and are concerned in many things. straight through your enthusiasm, you turn your children on to the arts, the sciences, bugs, stars, microscopes, cooking, crafts, tap dancing, old movies, badminton, the colors in leaves. You sit on the porch and watch thunderstorms together. You ride your bikes down new roads. You keep having adventures even when they roll their eyes and are too cool to go with you, because you know that later it will be prominent for them to have seen their parents complex in activities. And anyway, it's your life that you're enjoying!

15) Fun-lover

You enjoy your children. Just hanging out with them gives you deep satisfaction. You play with them when they are young, introduce them to activities that you value, and join them in play that they find entertaining. As they get older, you are willing to be silly and to offer activities, and also to wait until they are ready to engage with you. You make watching their endless sports events fun for yourself and for parents colse to you.

16) Inspires creativity

You find great satisfaction in expressing yourself creatively. Even if your efforts won't win awards, you paint, dance, draw, play an instrument, try beading, or scrap-booking. You obtain leaves and make collages to decorate the table. You enjoy production your home comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. You coming your work creatively, and your kids see you enjoying work because of it. When funds are low, you look for imaginative ways to meet your need. Your children progress their caress and their skills by consuming in creative activities with you and on their own.

17) Financially responsible

You live within your means. You do not go into debt unless it is in effect necessary. If you do, you use reputation wisely, and you have a plan to pay it off as soon as possible. You don't shop as a way of relieving feelings. You educate yourself about financial matters. You find creative ways to keep to your budget, and you save regularly. You help your children originate good saving, spending, and giving habits. You plan for a rainy day.

18) Emotional Savvy

You are in effect good at being with your emotions, when they are aroused. You don't hide from pain or discomfort, or self-medicate with food, cigarettes or other substances. (You do, however identify that chocolate is one of the needful food groups.) You take time to let feelings run their course, when they need attention. You are emotionally responsible. You are able to see when your reactions are about past events, and you make every endeavor not to project them onto gift situations. If you find that you have reacted inappropriately, you construe to others that your mood is not about them, thereby showing your caring and empathic nature. You apologize when you have hurt someone. You know that, if you allow your feelings time to process themselves, and if you reflect on your old ways of looking at things, painful emotions will abate. You process your feelings, rather than trying to push them away.

You are comfortable with your child's feelings and see their outbursts as opportunities to empathize, educate, and be close. You are comfortable with your child's expressions of feelings and sass respectfully. You understand that children do not have all the public skills yet, and it is okay with you that they still have things to learn when it comes to tolerating and expressing emotion.

19) Partner

You work hard to have a warm, loving, respectful association with your co-parent, because that is the tone you want in your life. You know that working on your association models public skills for your children, as well as providing them with a loving parental team. You continue developing relational skills, because, as you get older, you see that new issues come up that give you opportunities to continue maturing and expanding. You know that growing does not stop at 20, and that habitancy learn and grow in relationship, not in isolation.

20) Influencer

You know that no one can operate anything other than themselves. You know that trying to operate your children only leads to disconnection and bad feeling. You know that controlling kids means controlling their behavior only, and that no one can dictate another's feelings or outlook. You remind yourself that, as long as you stay linked with your children, you have more influence with them than anyone, even their peers. You deal with your own feelings about their behavior and what they go through, as well as any helplessness or worry that you feel in consequence. You identify that it is a wise man who tolerates her/his feelings. You help your children learn to town in themselves and tolerate their feelings, and to learn to give up on trying to operate other people, events, and their surroundings.

21) Self-Care

You know that you cannot parent effectively if you do not take care of yourself. You model self-respect and self-confidence by paying concentration to your own needs and limits. Rather than fly off the handle, you take times-out. You give yourself mini-vacations. You make sure you see friends and engage in activities that replenish you, because all of these activities heighten your parenting and make parenthood enjoyable. You value your own boundaries and calmly set limits in order to ensure that others respect them also. You know the value of having the sustain of other parents, and even of laughing with them and letting off steam by telling benign stories of teen and toddler pranks, behind your kids' backs, of course.

22) Patience

You stay relaxed inside yourself, while life is messy colse to you. The wee annoyances do not throw you. You are able to step back and take a larger view of events. You agree with Randy Pausch, the computer science professor dying of pancreatic cancer who gave a "Last Lecture" which has inspired thousands of people, who said that, if habitancy disappoint you, just wait. If you give them adequate time, they will bring forth their best selves. If you appreciate them and thank them for the good job you know they will do, they tend to rise to your expectations. As Nelson Mandela said, "It never hurts to think too highly of a person. Often they behave best because of it." You can wait while they learn public skills. You profess your cool when things don't go according to plan.

23) unavoidable Outlook

And, most of all, you know that being a excellent parent would not be good for your children anyway. One of your jobs is to teach them to accept and value themselves as they are. You want them to feel unavoidable about themselves, even though they mess up sometimes and are not great at everything. You want them to love life, even though life is difficult. You want them to feel unavoidable in and about the world, even though the world is both awe-inspiring and terrible at times. You know that there are millions of ways to be a good parent, and so you celebrate your strengths and obtain your children to you, to share your blessings and to help each other straight through the tough times. You remind yourself that trials build character. You breathe and laugh and town in yourself, for that is where the joy is - in your association with yourself, with those you love, and with the natural world.

Okay, now that you have identified your top five Vip's, your Ppss, here are some exercises to help you apply them as you navigate the rocky waters of house life.

Try this #1: Spend some time mental about your strengths. consideration how you use them and how they help you with your family. Keep them in mind and have trust in them! See how you can use your strengths to heighten your patience, your empathy, and your optimism. Muse about them and come up with ways for them to help you be more effective, more relaxed, and to enjoy your parenthood more fully.

Try this #2: Remember a consuming occurrence in your home. (That wasn't hard, was it?) Now, pick one of your Pps's that you think might help in that situation. How could you use that vigor to facilitate a different outcome? (When my preteen daughter started talking back at the drop of a hat, I found some time to myself and used my vigor of empathy to imagine what our interchanges must be like from her perspective, given her experiences in life. A light bulb went on as I suddenly saw how in effect deep feelings of loss seemed to be triggered for her. After that, I worked to remember how prominent our closeness was to her and to see her apparent outrage, not as insolence, but as a sign that she felt too shut out by the way I may have said something. I became more able to remain calm and loving in tone (not a skill under stress that I'd experienced with my parents!) which often led to her softening and lasting to interact with me.

Try this #3: You could also pick one Pps with which you would like to come to be more proficient, and grow it into a strength. To do so, focus on the strengths you already have. explore into unavoidable psychology has shown definitively that the more you progress your use of your unavoidable strengths, the more the ones you could use some work on heighten - much more so than if you just wrestle to try to counter your "failings."

The more you bring your awareness to focus on your strengths, the more they will grow. consideration how you feel as you play with these exercises. consideration what great ideas you come up with, use them with your children and see how they respond.

Stanton quote is from: Solitude of Self

Address delivered by Mrs. Stanton before the Committee of the Judiciary of the United States Congress
Monday, January 18, 1892

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Examples of Goals for Leadership

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Examples of Goals for Leadership

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Examples of Goals for Leadership. Which may be very helpful to me so you. Examples of Goals for Leadership

Do you want to design the skills of a leader? This narrative will list some goals for leadership that you can set to help you.

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List

I will inspire through example

Leadership is defined by action. As a leader you must take fee and do what is best for you and for those colse to you. Leadership is not about what you can gain personally as much as it is how permissible leadership can advantage others. Always be aware of the impression you make when you take action.

I will take Always initiative rather than wait for an opportunity

A leader should act first to seize opportunities. Always think about the hereafter and what you can do right now to make it better. While others wait, leaders are Always seeing for opportunities. Set a proactive example for everybody else.

I will act with integrity

Good leaders are proud of what they believe in and stand up for their values. They will not pretend to be different from their true self in order to impress others. Work out what you value most and be proud of it.

I will Always favor optimism to pessimism

A great leader must see the opportunities that are ready even in times of crisis. When habitancy are worried they will be seeing to you for inspiration. You must see the glass as half full to get the best out of yourself and the habitancy you lead. This might be the most prominent example of these goals for leadership.

I will originate a 5 year plan

As a leader you should be trying to shape your own hereafter and recognize inherent problems/opportunities before they occur. Having a plan that you effect can add to your trust and leadership ability. Goal setting is mandatory.

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Today You can Make A distinction In Someones Life

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes - Today You can Make A distinction In Someones Life

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes - Today You can Make A distinction In Someones Life. Which could be very helpful for me therefore you. Today You can Make A distinction In Someones Life

Each of us has numerous opportunities to make a discrepancy in the lives of others or the world in general. Each day population cross our path: strangers, clients, friends and relatives that give us the chance to touch them in a inevitable way. We can offer them:

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Quotes

-a kind word.

-a extra favor

- inevitable acknowledgment

-a uncomplicated smile

-a listening ear

-an open mind

-a receptive heart


-belief in them and their ideas, goals and dreams

-tough love

There is more but I am sure I have made my point. We don't have to be best-selling authors, world renown speakers, great leaders or extra population of any kind. Each of us in our own way has something very extra to give to the world and its inevitable future.

You may never know how a kind word from you at just the right moment or a microscopic encouragement in times of discouragement that someone may face can have a large long-term impact on the rest of their life. There are so many ways you can touch people, sharing your gifts of energy, ideas, time, counsel, love, reserve and belief that will help them along their journey. And, the exciting thing is that once you touch just one someone they may go out and touch one also. Before you know it your uncomplicated act or words may have touched thousands of lives for the better.

-How are you manufacture a discrepancy in the world today?

-What inheritance will you leave behind as evidence that you once traveled planet

-Who have you helped recently?

-Who has helped you in some way?

-Did you share your gratitude with them?

-Did you pass along the kindness in some other way to the next someone who
crossed your path?

I challenge you to make a inevitable discrepancy - today - in someone's life.

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Using Goals to Grow in Nursing

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Using Goals to Grow in Nursing

Good afternoon. Now, I discovered The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Using Goals to Grow in Nursing. Which is very helpful in my experience therefore you. Using Goals to Grow in Nursing

Determining where someone would like to be, and how to get there in five to 10 years, takes much known effort, however, identifying goals that will help someone grow, whether it be educational, expert or personal is very important. Any steps are complicated in order to be successful, such as, defining the goals, determining the optimum time frame and putting the plan into action. Combining personal beliefs and values into defined goals and refusing to turn away from these beliefs during difficult times will lead to feelings of true achievement once the goals are attained. With any serious goal, maintain systems and mentors must be considered and utilized, to avoid becoming overwhelmed when challenges arise. Chitty and Black (2007) states "Make sure your goals and expectations are realistic. Unrealistic goals are self-defeating. Make sure the goals are measurable, manageable, and meaningful to you, not to please somebody else." (Chapter 10, p. 266).

What I said. It is not in conclusion that the real about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. You see this article for home elevators that need to know is The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

Nursing doctrine is clearly comprehension your personal truths, thoughts and goals and determining how they describe to your expert career as a nurse. Each nurse has unique experiences that work on his or her personal selection of profession, but in general, nurses are drawn to the profession because of the nurturing characteristics that the profession embraces. My doctrine of nursing may vary from other nurses depending on their culture, religion or ethnicity, but the aggregate of the diversities makes nursing special. In my personal view, the nursing profession is a very respectable profession, which should always place the holistic care and concern of the outpatient as the top priority. Continuing education is mandatory for nurses to be able to supply high capability of care and to supply the latest improved rehabilitation techniques. whether straight through treating, teaching, advocating or supporting, outpatient care is directly impacted straight through nursing care on a daily basis. Nurses also must accept the responsibility of foremost others in the care of patients in order to contend a high capability continuity of care.

Baccalaureate ready nurses are best ready to accept positions that require more leadership skills. Obtaining the Baccalaureate degree also shows commitment to the profession, which shows drive to the employer. As stated by Cynthia O'Neal (2004), "In today's condition care environment, baccalaureate nurses must be ready to use vital leadership skills to administrate and coordinate teams of care." The increased number of training that is focused on nursing ethics, nursing foundations and history, and nursing professionalism promotes the knowledge to invent the responsibilities of Any team members successfully, without appearing overbearing. Providing this leadership may not be overly accepted by every person on the team, and may in turn cause temporary conflict, however, in order for the team to function in an sufficient and organized manner, and supply the institution with a sufficient department, and the outpatient with high capability of care, this is a turn that must take place.

With any growth, there will be challenges and barriers. Choosing strong mentors is a very foremost step in reaching goals. Victor Ghebre (Dec, 2008), instructs us to "find a mentor or someone who can inspire you in the area of personal development, and try to associate yourself with other habitancy who are on the path to self growth." during the education experience, scholastic advisors or facilitators are overwhelming mentors, and during the expert career experience, introducing yourself to staff development coordinators, physicians and management staff can facilitate introductions to such mentors. Having a strong maintain principles within the personal relationships of our daily lives is also important. With growth, growing pains will happen, and having maintain during difficult times will encourage the increase to continue. Having a healthy hope of the challenges that may be gift and a plan of operation will lessen the result when these challenges occur. Family, and the responsibilities that house involves, is a large challenge to overcome when attempting to grow in a expert aspect. Learning to meet these responsibilities satisfactorily, while working toward expert goals is possible.

Identifying goals and becoming committed to achieving these goals lead to life changing events, bringing delight and personal fulfillment. habitancy are surrounded by goals from birth, studying to walk and talk, to planning for life after seclusion or even death. Continually setting new goals and attempting to achieve them is what prevents complacence. For some, complacence may be the goal, but for others, setting new goals is a means of growth, and increase is vital in embracing life. Goals do not have to be anyone as foremost as a new profession. Goals can be as straightforward as choosing to start walking daily, and planning where to walk, or making a goal to learn to sew. making realistic goals and attempting to attain these goals while abiding within clear beliefs and values introduces Any areas that continue to add value to life, such as special friends, strong maintain systems and studying to overcome challenges. Goals are an foremost part in life in that it promotes growth, and combining expert goals with personal goals can originate holistic peace within self and family.


Chitty, K. K., Black, B. P. (2007). expert nursing concepts and challenges. [University of Phoenix institution Edition e-text]. St. Louis, Mo: Saunders, Inc. Retrieved March 17, 2009, from University of Phoenix, rEsource, Nur391- expert Nursing institution website.

Ghebre, Victor (December 1, 2008) How to fetch foremost life goals to help you grow. Retrieved March 17, 2009 from,  

O'Neal, Cynthia.  (November 2004). Creating Leadership Skills in fundamental Courses. Journal of Nursing education 43(11), 524.  Retrieved March 19, 2009, from career and Technical Education database. (Document Id: 739662121).

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Prophetic - Second Heaven Authority

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Prophetic - Second Heaven Authority

Good morning. Today, I discovered The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Prophetic - Second Heaven Authority. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. Prophetic - Second Heaven Authority

In this description I want to address hexes, curses, and other tactics of the dark side. First, let me say that there are different spiritual realms. Terminology may vary from assorted sources so let me put some definitions on what I am speaking about. In scriptural prophetic terms I want to define the first heaven as the natural skies and universe that is visible with the natural eye. The second heaven is the realm that angels pass straight through in exchange between natural earth and the third heaven where God dwells and all those redeemed in heaven. The second heaven is a realm where evil principalities also reside and control from. Prophetic citizen will often be escorted under the protection of the Holy Spirit into the second heaven to examine demonic action and plans. The purpose of this insertion by the Holy Spirit is to delineate the enemies plans and equip us to veto them.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

Now here is how to disarm those strategies of the enemy. The devil is given force to control because of sin. Sin in an individuals life becomes an entry for attacks meant to deceive, enslave or curse in some measure. However, for those who have a personal living relationship with Jesus Christ there is cleansing because of our faith in His blood that cleanses every sin. Knowing this truth gives a blood washed believer authority to reject curses of the devil or curses spoken straight through citizen against the believer. However, if believers don't know this facts then they can be deceived into a default position and vulnerable to demonic curses. The devil deals in deception and lies. He will strike if we are unaware of the truth even if we are without sin because of the Blood of Jesus.

It is leading therefore to have a Biblical base knowledge of truth. Specifically, that you are forgiven, that you belong to God and that straight through His force can overcome all the enemy brings against you. A Believer in Christ Jesus has been given authority to veto the devils plans against them. Read Matthew 10:1 and Mark 16:20 for this mandate. Also 1 John 4:4 indicates the same position of authority. Authority must be exercised. See Matthew 16:19.

When the Holy Spirit gives you a second heaven escort and the enemies plans are revealed to you then you can cancel the devils plans, curses and hexes. You do this by saying "In the authority of Jesus Christ and His blood I cancel and veto the plans of the devil against me. I issue the blessing and favor of God in its place and I thank you Father in Heaven for your provision. Amen."

Prophetically, God wants us to come up higher into the third heaven where we can sit down with Christ and receive revelation for earth's journey. Ephesians 2:6 speaks of this place. From this heavenly place we have the mandate to issue Heaven into earth.

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Mafia in the 1920's

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Mafia in the 1920's

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Mafia in the 1920's. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. Mafia in the 1920's

The origins of the mafia phenomenon dating back to the Middle Ages, when Sicily was under foreign domination and obedience wealthy families obtained through formal communal operate of land. The Mafia, organizationally, did not have a hierarchy, but was composed of autonomous groups who called themselves "men of honor." In those years, the landed aristocracy allied with communal leaders and created a conservative power structure and stable, a strategy that allowed it to sustain its dominance in Sicily thereafter.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

Guided by a code of guide called Omerta, the Mafia has swiftly become an organization wholly covering the law. The mob forced the code to be against justice, and also avoid any sense with her.In the early twentieth century, some members of this organization migrated to North America, specifically to the United States, thus spreading internationally clandestine criminal organizations.

Over time, the U.S. Became the town of all crimes of the Mafia, since this country was restricting gambling and alcohol, which led to a large smuggling.The history of the Mafia has served to understand the source, structure, functioning and operate mechanisms of criminal organizations, which has been a beneficial tool to study how they operate smugglers, murderers and drug cartels in the world more dangerous.

From 1920 began the golden age for international gangsters. Sicilian criminals soon found followers worldwide, prompting the organization of organized crime groups in China, Russia, Cuba and the United States. The latter country was the beloved of these criminals, because it could for real be corrupted, to achieve any illegal act at the time.

Here are the most predominant gangsters:

Al Capone (1899-1947).

He is also known as Scarface. It was the most important representation as to the history of the Mafia is concerned. It was noted for having the dirtiest firm in the city of Chicago and for hosting the worst wars in the middle of the gangs of mobsters. By 1925, Al Capone became the owner of the Chicago underworld and his fortune amounted to one hundred million dollars. He was persecuted by the law for years, but his capability to corrupt evaded any justice.
Without clutch, after many years of persecution, Al Capone was caught for tax evasion and sentenced to eleven years in prison. He was transferred to Alcatraz federal prison and was granted after eight years parole.

Johnny Torrio (1882-1957).

Famous for his illegal firm guide in a violent manner, this criminal was a mentor to Al Capone and a leader within the hierarchy of the gangster. In 1924 he had been shot while fighting someone else band.

Dutch Schultz (1902-1935).

It was called the Beer Capo, for conducting all negotiations of this drink smuggled into New York City. He was killed by the justice of this city for being a threat to the district attorneys.

I hope you have new knowledge about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. Where you possibly can offer use in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.

The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations

Hello everybody. Now, I discovered The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. The Role of Ethics in 21st Century Organizations

In modern years a contentious global environment, the inability of some organizations to verbalize a contentious advantage and other pressurizing factors have forced many organizations and their leaders to pursue unethical practices in a bid to remain successful. Can organizations survive within this very complex/competitive era without resorting to unethical practices, and how? This paper provides readers with an comprehension of the necessity of the role of ethics in contemporary organizations. It addresses the significance of leadership in establishing and maintaining ethical ideas in the assosication and culminates with a set of recommendations to which leaders can ascribe in order to ensure that organizations remain ethical.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership

What is ethics?

Ethics is defined as the potential to distinguish in the middle of right and wrong and to act accordingly. According to Rand, a 20th century Russian/American novelist, it is a code of values which guide our choices and actions and settle the purpose and procedure of our lives." It revolves colse to others and hence...may be understood quite of course when analyzed from the perspective of Matthew 7:12 "do to others what you would have them do to you."

Old Problem, New People: Judas selling Jesus for 30 Pieces of Silver

In contemporary organizations we see many leaders and followers whose behaviors bear marked resemblance to that of Judas (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13, 18, Acts 1:18). There are Organizations that are deliberately violating the ethical standards that are important for the thriving functioning of any society. Hoyk and Hersey postulates that within one year Enron, Adelphia, Tyco International, as well as the conviction of the Ceo of WorldCom by federal court represents only a small segment of organizations, and habitancy concerned in unethical practices in organizations. An test of the modern determination in Zimbabwe highlights the height of unethical practices that exist even at the helm of organizations governing a country; which has led world government According to Lauren decrying it as an outright charade... The urge to consequent at any cost, greed, and selfishness are just a few of the causes of unethical practices; these practices condemn the poor to be even more impoverished, while the rich becomes better off. It should be noted that unethical practices undermine not only the trust of the stakeholders but also the normal populace and originate an unhealthy assosication and a society that is not field to rules and regulations; the end consequent anarchy and stupendous proportions of mistrust in society, which ultimately will shorten the assosication life span.

The Call to Act: Inspire to take action

The creation of an ethical organizational culture resides with leaders and followers; leadership by nature demands that leaders be the front runners in establishing an ethical organizational culture. We identify the stupendous task leaders face in a fast paced society with rocket-like changes even as they fight to verbalize a contentious advantage. Any way as the demise of many organizations becomes a reality due to unethical practices, the onus resides with contemporary leaders to originate and hold ethical organizational cultures even as they compete to survive, because it is the ethical/social stance to take. The issue of ethics is a solemn issue in leadership; its nonexistence can originate a vacuum in the organization, fostering a climatic condition in which any activity is acceptable. It is leading for leaders to originate an ethical environment, in doing this; decision manufacture will rely on ethical standards which in the end gives ethical outcome. For such an environment to be created ethics has to be the foundation of the organization's vision, blend and mission. With such a proposition, leaders are forced to cosset themselves in a discourse of group ethical codes. Such code enables the leaders to act with morals and to sustain an assosication that relish itself in the laws of right.

The role of an ethical leader is to sustain an assosication that enables all stakeholders to act responsibly, to be conscientious of their environment and those colse to them. Johnson postulates that, leaders have a duty to accomplish ethical suitable through the use of organizational aspirations that must be effective, effective and excellent. Therefore, the burden is on leaders to captain the ship, take payment and be in charge. The factory is that ethical leadership and ethical ideas begins at the top of the assosication then spreads throughout. Leaders should not assume that employees intuitively know and will comply with ethical ideas set out by the organization. It becomes the leader's accountability to ensure that ethical practices are modeled as well as communicated employees on ethical issues should be mandatory. Leaders can sustain an ethical environment by employing what I refer to as important factors:

Critical Factor One: Vision

A clear and brief vision that incorporates ethical principle set the foundation for all stakeholders to perceive exactly what the assosication stands for...

Critical Factor Two: Open Communication

A channel of communication in which leaders and followers feel at ease in discussing or examining behaviors or issues that may "in question." This promotes trust and trust in the organizational efforts.

Critical Factor Three: Ethical Team

Creating a team that looks out for unethical action: This team is responsible for identifying and addressing ethical problems confronting the organization. They craft an environment in which difficult ethical issues can be discussed and medicinal measures put in place. This should allow stakeholders to have trust/confidence in promoting the organizational values.


In light of modern unearthing of unethical practices in many organizations, contemporary organizations are now faced with a serious problem. We are now faced with the challenge of how to combat the epidemic of unethical behavior in our organizations. The role of ethics in the 21st Century is integral in that, all organizations need a firm foundation to stand on, and a base that is rooted in an ethical framework, which when tested can survive. It becomes the accountability of leadership to think ethics as part of their assosication dynamics. It is this move that will enable the assosication to set itself apart from the predecessors that sunk through the times of unethical confronts. The price we pay for poor ethics has eroded the very fabric of our society as well as our organizational culture, producing mistrust and chaos. It becomes imperative that leaders promote an organizational culture that values/fosters ethics. Commitment to ethics is the definitive factor that will originate a thriving chronic organization.


Ciulla, J. B. (2004), Ethics the Heart of Leadership 2nd Edition, Praeger Publishers. West Port, Ct.

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Leadership Insights from the Apostle Paul

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Leadership Insights from the Apostle Paul

Good evening. Today, I learned all about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Leadership Insights from the Apostle Paul. Which may be very helpful for me so you. Leadership Insights from the Apostle Paul

The Pauline letters were addressed to small groups of population that he knew by name (Timothy, Titus, and Philemon) as well as large audiences (Romans, Corinthians, Galatians). These letters contribute insight into why leaders exist and what knowledge, skills, and abilities are important to leaders today. In each letter Paul attempts to talk questions about the 'meaning of life' such as sin (Romans 3:9), faith (Romans 3:22), marriage (Romans 7:2, 1 Corinthians 7), unity (1 Corinthians 1:10), spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12), and free time (Galatians 5:17). After thought about dissecting Pauline letters to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Thessalonians, and Philemon I identified a set of characteristics that he viewed as being essential to the improvement of Christian leaders. Effective leadership traits are as various and numerous, not to mention subtle, as the human mind and heart themselves. No list will ever be complete, nor will it be the best qualified for each private reader - these 5 characteristics are by no means exhaustive. However, they serve to impart the power and promise that Paul offers: compassion, self-Awareness, righteousness by faith, commitment, and community. The biblical quotations in this article are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible.

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List

Compassion through Spiritual Unity

Millions of American mailboxes are stuffed daily with letters from non-profit organizations in order to raise funds for the less fortunate. The Jewish Christians near Jerusalem were reportedly on the edge of starvation. Paul referred to them as "the poor saints" which are at Jerusalem. (Romans 15:26). In taking his collection for the poor, Paul in general appealed to the Christian responsibility to help those in need. He sought to seize the chance for Gentile Christians to reach out in compassion and demonstrate spiritual unity. Paul did not engineer a mass mail charity event but he did gift a direct motion for funds (Romans 15:25-26, 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2 Corinthians 8:1 - 9:15). He takes his motion a bit additional in 2 Corinthians 9:6 by illustrating the bonuses of giving - "He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth boutifully shall reap also bountifully." Paul shows that generosity benefits the giver in that a gift can serve as an act of worship to God and inspire the faith of others.

Compassionate leadership is acting in the interest of your followers, your peers, and your organization. This is the boss for whom the employees are willing to work their hardest. "Loyalty and devotion to task and grow out of trust and the knowledge of safety that comes from the employment relationship." (Winston, 2002). The employees can feel the withhold for them and are compelled to give their full withhold in return. This boss brings out the best in her subordinates by their example.


General awareness, confidence, and especially self-awareness improve the Christian leader. "The leader must first make peace in his own life before he can successfully make peace in his organization. A leader in disagreement with himself is a house divided." (Winston, 2002, p. 82). Leaders must be willing to thought about peruse their values and how they can move their assosication in the direction of a vision that is unwavering. Effective Leaders lead with a purpose rather than "run like a man running aimlessly" (1 Corinthians 9:26-27). From the biblical sense this means that we live for His purpose, not ours. As Christians, we recognize that our need for Christ will bring us beyond our failures so we can grow increasingly effective. As we grow in Christ, we will come to be aware of our futility and inadequacy as human beings.

In Romans 14:1-2, Paul reminds us that Christians do not have to agree on all matters pertaining to the Christian life and continues by describing the contrast in the middle of a strong and weak Christian. In an attempt to justify the role of diversity in God's allembracing plan of redemption Paul uses faith as a sense of assurance of belief where the allowable insight of the gospel allows the strong Christian to recognize that his diet has no spiritual significance. (Romans 14:2, Colossian 2:16).

Righteousness by Faith

Paul uses the Greek verb "justified" 27 times, mostly in Romans and Galatians. The term describes what happens when someone believes in Christ as his Savior. Paul emphasizes two inescapable points. First, no one lives a exquisite life. "For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:24). Secondly, even though we are all sinners, God will voice everybody who puts his trust in Jesus not guilty but righteous. The central idea in justification is that, although we deserve to be declared guilty (Romans 3:9-19), because of our faith in Christ God declares us righteous. In Galatians 2:16 Paul uses the verb justified three times, three times this verse tells us that no one is justified by observing the law, and three times it underscores the essential requirement of placing our faith in Christ.

Commitment to the increase

Christian leaders believe that population have an intrinsic value beyond their tangible contributions as workers. As such, leaders are deeply committed to a personal, professional, and spiritual increase of each and every private within the organization. Every Christian is obligated to be the best he can be for God. Like any other worthwhile activity, if leadership can be improved, we should seek to heighten it. In doing so, we prepare ourselves for higher aid that may be just colse to the corner. Romans 12:1 issues an imperative to leaders: "present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, suitable unto God, which is your inexpensive service." The verb "present" is followed by 36 verbs that specify what happens when we obey one of which is qualified here.

First, exert yourself to lead - "Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation...he that ruleth, with diligence..." (Romans 12:8). This is a summons to dive wholeheartedly into leadership. Exhort others with an uplifting, cheerful call to worthwhile accomplishment.

Building Community

Christian leaders are aware that the shift from local communities to large institutions as the original shaper of human lives has changed our perceptions and caused a sort of loss. 1 Corinthians 1: 10-13 begins the theme of being united in mind and purpose. "Divisions within the society betray the purpose for which Christ was crucified: to unite everybody in one body, the body of Christ." (Matera, 2001, p.10). Leaders should seek to recognize a means for construction society among those who work within a given institution. I believe that Paul was conveying one body working together - emphasizing unity - but I also believe that he illustrates the lessons to be learned from the community. "If I were a singular member, were would the body be...The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I have no need of you'..." (I Corinthians 12:19 - 21). Can we get along in life without hands? Yes, but we would have to make adjustments...learn to use prosthetic limbs or find alternative methods to picking up objects. Though the body remains incomplete, it survives. However, the strongest hands are worthless without the body. The hands need the signals generated by the brain and the cusine provided by the blood.

The lowest line is that a body without hands can manage, but a hand without a body is inconceivable. Diverse churches such as Corinth are aware of the differences among its membership, which is why Paul's letter stressed unity issues that still plague churches today. The explication is to respect each other and take direction from Jesus Christ, the head.

Organizational Transformation Concepts Of Paul

How do leaders address the population side of turn without jeopardizing the firm side of change? How can a leader make the tough decisions without losing sight of the emotions and concerns of his followers? important turn is largely about manufacture sense of competing views. "Change cannot be managed, it emerges. Managers are part of the system, not surface the system." (Cameron, 2004, p. 123). It is about developing a style that builds trust through authenticity and particular balance. Of course, given the tensions that are continually in play, there will be circumstances that require more emphasis on one of the competing competencies than on the other. It's not potential to be perfectly in balance all the time. But it's an ideal worth striving for. "When leaders focus on establishing trust, they are good able to deal with both the structural and the human elements of change. Instead of taking a one-sided approach, leaders find they can be both tough and empathetic, committed to the plan and insight of the pain. They come to be agile and resilient, and able to do what it takes to lead through turn and transition." (Bunker and Wakefield, 2006, p. 3).

Diversity Concepts Of Paul

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul reveals the equality of Christian life very optimistically. Paul does not impart the sins that that took place in Corinth. But rather he observes other dangers in the Galatians' thinking: "I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto an additional one Gospel." (Galatians 1:6). By some unnecessarily stressing their Jewish heritage, the sacrifice of Christ would begin to diminish -faith in Christ would come to be one of the many steps in salvation and not the only one. Paul feared that subtle differences in the middle of Christians would begin to have priority as observed in Galatians 2:12 when Peter spurned the Gentiles because he feared the Judaizers.

Paul also stresses that those baptized in Christ are "...neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female..." (Galatians 3:28). Jesus came to tear down walls in the middle of population - the unity in Christ transcends ethnic, group and sexual distinctions. (Romans 10:12, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 2:15-16). We are called to faithfulness in our relationships - supporting and encouraging each other, accepting one an additional one recognizing there are no second-class Christians. Faith in Christ and not anyone's set of laws opens the door to acceptance by God. (Galatians 2:16).

Strategy Formation Concepts Of Paul

In a time when the church is threatened by interest groups and ideologies, and when parishes are in danger of being divided by the same, the Pauline letters summons contemporary congregations to find their unity in the crucified Christ. Christians in Paul's day debated such issues as vegetarianism, eating meat sacrificed to idols, and celebrating pagan festival days. Even today we continue to quarrel over issues such as smoking, urban music, and hip-hop clothing. The advice Paul gives in Romans 14:1-4 to both weak and strong Christians of his day applies to population in all cultures who consider questionable issues - do not judge another.

Strategy formation (thinking, planning, and implementation) is a characteristic that enables Christian leaders to understand lessons from the past, the realities of the present, and the likely consequence of a decision in the future. It is deeply rooted in the intuitive mind. Strategy formation involves the leader's potential to visualize the end corollary of the policies and methods he advocates. The leader looks to understand how the policies will work on time to come generations. "[Strategy formation] is a clear picture of what the leader sees his or her group being or doing" (Maxwell, 1993, p. 149).

Paul Among Jews, Gentiles, and Modern-day Christians

The issue of whether to engage in the Gentile mission and the question of how to receive the Gentiles caused serious tensions while the early Christian Church. Paul's struggle was to defend the gospel of which the basic principle is to accept others as they are. In Paul's case this consisted of the Gentiles. For the contemporary church the basis of acceptance revolves colse to such issues as race, gender, ethnicity, and group status. The Pauline letters play an important role in the New Testament and in the modern-day congregation. Of the 27 writings that make-up the New Testament, nearly half are attributed to Paul. "Paul's unfolding theology of inclusivity still has much to contribute to our attempt to remain particular as Christians and at the same time come to be good citizens of the global village - citizens who are willing and able to see essential authenticity in others, as Paul saw a see of it long ago." (Park, 2003, p. 80).


Bunker, K. A. And Wakefield, M. (May, 2006). important in Times of Change. Boston, Ma: Harvard management modernize article Volume 11, No. 5.

Cameron, Esther. (2004). manufacture Sense of turn Management: A unblemished Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. London, Gbr: Kogan Page, Limited.

Holy Bible. (1997). King James Version. Grand Raids, Mi: Zondervan Publishing.

Matera, Frank J. (2001). Strategies for Preaching Paul. Collegeville, Mn. The Liturgical Press.

Maxwell, John C. (1993). Developing the Leader within You. Nashville, Tn. Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Park, Eung C. (2003). whether Jew of Gentile: Paul's Unfolding Theology of Inclusivity. Louisville, Ky: Westminster John Knox Press.

Winston, Bruce (2002). Be a Leader for God's Sake. Regent University, School of Leadership Studies. Virginia Beach, Virginia.

I hope you will get new knowledge about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. Where you possibly can offer use within your life. And above all, your reaction is passed about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.

Mark 10:17 to 22 -- Jesus and the Rich Young Man

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf - Mark 10:17 to 22 -- Jesus and the Rich Young Man

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf - Mark 10:17 to 22 -- Jesus and the Rich Young Man. Which may be very helpful for me and you. Mark 10:17 to 22 -- Jesus and the Rich Young Man

The Gospel of Mark is a narrative, in the oral tradition of early Christian teaching. To understand the story of the rich man’s conversation with Jesus, one needs to view the Gospel in total. In this Gospel, Jesus is a mentor and educator of the people. Jesus is teaching the truths of the Kingdom of Heaven. Moreover, Jesus is leader to the disciples/apostles.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf

Mark wrote his article in active voice telling the events in the discipling of the apostles and ministry to the Chosen habitancy of God. Throughout the Gospel, Jesus talks with habitancy in all walks of Jewish life.

Thimmes (1992) helps by comparison the constituents of Marks Gospel. For Mark, constituents are groups of people, the twelve (apostles), religious leaders, Jesus’ family, crowds of people, and women. She continues to write that personel characters, like the rich young man, appear at times; however, they appear in justification of Jesus, His actions, His mission.
Inner Texture/Intertexture

The inner texture - repeated patterns of speech and buildings (Bekker, 2005) – include the theme of teaching, preaching to the people, gift comprehension to the apostles, spicy the teachers of religion, and commanding followership. To the habitancy following Jesus, He tells uncomplicated stories for their understanding, to the apostles, He explains the parables in depth as to assure their comprehension and their capability to spread the truth after the Accession. To the scholars of Jewish religion, Jesus traps them in their own words.

Intertexture – the tapestry woven into contemporary community (Bekker, 2005): The Church today continues to teach and by comparison for the faithful. The Gospel of Mark uses intertexture through collective topics coarse to the time in a manner that reflects culture.
Mark wrote based on oral tradition and oral history (Dewey, 2004). Like organizational leadership today, Mark shared Jesus’ foresight through story telling, in Mark’s situation, as suggested by Dewy (2004) and Robbins (2005), Mark wrote as scribe of Peter. Peter’s oral history became written history through Mark.

Oral histories and traditions of a great leader adhere to that leader over time. Like contemporary organizations, myth and folklore help retain organizational history. We tell the stories in pieces in a way that habitancy can understand the context, and then weave the stories into a text. More than myth and folklore, Mark’s gospel is a factual accounting resulting in itsybitsy convert over time.
Inner Texture in Mark
There are any recurring themes in the Gospel of Mark. We read that Jesus preached, He spoke with authority, He taught. These references tell us Jesus was a teacher. However, educator has a different meaning today than the time of Jesus. Daily Bible Study (2005) offers a definition of educator used during the time of Jesus.

Teacher: Rabbi, meaning Teacher, or expert was, and is, a dignified title given by Jews to doctors of the religious law and suited teachers. In the New Testament, it was most often recorded when used by His disciples for Jesus Christ.

Therefore, Mark’s use of educator referring to Jesus is of respect for Jesus’ knowledge of sacred scripture and capability to tell it to disciples and followers.
In the passage, Mark 10:17-22, the word educator appears twice as spoken by the rich young man, once in the beginning of the story and again in the middle. The rich young man recognizes that Jesus speaks with authority when preaching. This young man did not come upon Jesus; rather he ran to Jesus giving homage by falling to his knees, and addressing Jesus as teacher. Hebrews 7:7 offers some comprehension to the young man’s behavior, “It is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior.” Other accounts suggest the rich young man was a local leader (ruler) to whom others would bow in respect (Luke 18:18).

Recognizing the historical perspective of the educator and the activity of the rich young man to kneel before Jesus, one can understand how this man felt toward Jesus as a leader and educator of the people. However, did this young man recognize Jesus as the Son of God?
As the story unfolds, the young man also addresses Jesus as good, “good teacher.” Good appears three times in this short duct all in the chance verses. After the young man addresses Jesus as good teacher, Jesus replies by asking the young man to qualify “good,” as “No one is good but God alone.” This line of questioning seems to have a rational logical progression. First Jesus asks why the young man considers Jesus good. Second, Jesus states only God is good. Third, the unanswered inquire in logical progression is, “you address me as good, I say only God is good. Therefore, if only God is good and you address me as good, do you recognize me as God?” This appears a challenge to the young man to accept Jesus as the human manifestation of God.
What word might the young man have spoken that we translate as good. Searching online sources for “good” in relation to it use in this passage, one Hebrew derivative appeared – tov. In Greek, one finds agathos, meaning that which is good or goodness. an additional one Greek term is kalodidaskalos, meaning educator of good things or teaching what is good.

After researching the meanings of the good and educator used in this passage, one can quit the rich young man recognized Jesus as a scriptural teacher, with scholarly knowledge, who taught good things. One cannot quit the young man recognized Jesus as the Son of God.
Stevenson (no date) wrote of the encounter that the rich young man was mistaken that he and Jesus were equally good because of their acts. However, the young man had already stored his good works on earth and connected in Matthew 6:16-18.

In the midst of the encounter, Jesus commands the rich young man to obey the commandments. However, Jesus seems to speak to the young man is terms he understands from the Scribes and Pharoses. The pattern Jesus used was unassailable “do not” violate a Commandment. The study “do not” repeats five times.

Upon Jesus telling the young man to obey the commandments, the young man replied he obeyed since being a child. He “… felt genuine love for this man as he looked at him” (Mark 10:21).
This story concludes with Jesus final effort at the young man’s transformation, Jesus tells him to sell all his possessions, give to the poor, and “follow Me.” Jesus asks this young man to give up his earthly treasure for heavenly treasures. Unable to accept this command, he turns and leaves Jesus. “At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions” (Mark 10:22). Although the duct ends with verse 22, Mark writes of Jesus lasting to instruct the disciples on the value of knowing God rather than trusting riches. The young man was unable to surrender riches, position, and title on earth for heavenly treasure.

Social and Cultural Texture

In the time of Jesus as today, wealth was power and status was important. The case to make is the rich young man wanted a place in heaven; however, on his terms. Jesus spoke of the rule of Jewish law obeying the commandments, give up riches, and effect Him. The effect is the young man rejects Jesus’ offer and goes away.
Ideological Texture

Mark’s gospel, unlike the others opens with Jesus as the subject, “Here begins the astounding story of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1). Therefore, Mark places Jesus as central in the duct of the rich young man to teach others on the dangers of wealth. Jesus projects himself onto the rich young man drawing him into scene. The disciples traveled with Jesus, yet they are not a part of the story until verse 23 and Jesus begins His instruction.
Sacred Texture

Jesus tells the young man only God is good. He asks why the young man addresses Him as Good Teacher. In this passage, Jesus reinforces the Jewish law as interpreted by Jewish teachers of the law. Jesus offer to effect Him was not the short cut the young man wanted since it meant giving up “worldly goods” for God’s good.
Opening-Middle-Closing Texture

This duct fits the Robbins (1996) texture pattern having an opening, middle, and a closing.

• Opening, Mark 10:17: Jesus was leaving on a trip when a rich young man came running up to Him asking how he could get to heaven.

• Middle, Mark 10:18-21: Jesus had a conversation with the young man telling him to obey the commandments to reach heaven. Jesus loves the man offers the young man a chance to effect Him, and he rejects Jesus offer.

• Closing, Mark 10:22: As a rich person, he was unable to give up material goods for spiritual goods to attain heaven.

Christian Leadership

How does leadership in the time of Jesus correlate to contemporary leadership? Christian leadership is uncomplicated agreeing to Smalling (2005). However simple, he iterates it is not easy. Organizational leaders understand the supervision paradigm of hierarchical structure; however, fail to recognize the biblical paradigm of slave leadership taught throughout the gospels.

Christian leadership, biblical leadership shared in the New Testament is a gift from God. Mathew 20:20-28 tells of the sons of Zebedee seeking position power in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says in verse 23 that He (Jesus) cannot say who sits where in Heaven, “… Those places are reserved for persons my Father selects.” Zebedee’s sons had ambition which is good in a leader; however, they were self-focused not God focused in the leadership desires. contemporary Christian leaders must possess humbleness. Winston (2002) writes of humble and haughty leaders. The previous is slave to the goals of the club and the latter is slave to his/her own goals.
Christian leadership, biblical leadership shared in the New Testament is a gift from God. Mathew 20:20-28 tells of the sons of Zebedee seeking position power in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says in verse 23 that He (Jesus) cannot say who sits where in Heaven, “… Those places are reserved for persons my Father selects.” Zebedee’s sons had ambition which is good in a leader; however, they were self-focused not God focused in the leadership desires. contemporary Christian leaders must possess humbleness. Winston (2002) writes of humble and haughty leaders. The previous is slave to the goals of the club and the latter is slave to his/her own goals.
Many texts cite leaders as charismatic, seeking a connection in the middle of the leader and those led. This is probably true of all leadership situations; however, has an “exceptional gift for inspiration and nonrational communication” (DuBrin 2004, pg. 65). Charismatic leaders may be collective – doing what is best to benefit others, or personal – doing what is best for self. Christian leaders need to concern themselves for the whole rather than the one.
In organizational change, especially reorganization, and reculturing, leadership is often transformational. A leader may rate the club in terms of forces. There are soldiery for convert and soldiery against change. The transformational leader must minimize or eliminate the resistance factors so the forward request for retrial of convert progresses positively. The rich young man could not rid himself of resistance forces.

A Christian transformational leader needs to know Acts 20:28, to “keep watch over yourself…,” the leaders spiritual welfare. This man must also keep watch over “… all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseer.” This element of the verse is very similar to agapao love explained by Winston (2002). Finally, Acts 20:28 concludes “Be shepherds of the church….” Church in organizational terms is the habitancy of habitancy production up the organization.
The first inkling of Jesus’ leadership comes in the first episode of Mark, verses 21-22. In these, we read how Jesus went into the synagogue and “taught them as one that had authority, not as the scribes.” contemporary learning organizations teach employees leadership skills through mentoring, preparation the younger employees for the time that they will take over leadership.
Jesus is not a titled leader; yet he has many followers and fierce official resistance to His authority. Sims (1996) refers to Jesus’ leadership in Mark as a call “from power as dominance to power as participation.” Mark 10:44 relates the slave leadership teaching of Jesus, “And, whoever wants to be many of all must be slave of all.” DuBrin (2004) acknowledges leadership as a partnership or connection over the long-term. DuBrin continues by citing Peter Block’s stewardship law of leadership. As mentioned elsewhere in this paper, the stewardship law supposes the greater good of the whole rather than the individual. Prosperous leaders in contemporary enterprise recognize their force come form the collective force of the group.
Pfeffer (1998) writes of the seven practices of Prosperous organizations in episode three, and similar to Mark 10:44, he says Prosperous organizations “(r)educe status distinctions and barriers….” (pg.65), and be selective in hiring new people. Jesus was selective in hiring his inner circle. He picked fishermen to make them fishers of men (Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:17). He chose a tax assembler (Matthew 10:3, Luke 5:27), although their habitancy thought about tax collectors behavior unethical (Mark 2:16, Luke 7:34). The Christian leader, servant/leader selectively gathers others around whom he/she can teach. Then they, in turn, carry the foresight and values forward to the next level.

The Christian leadership rests on many points. The rich young man duct offers a glimpse of three balance points, God, others and self. Blue (1999) takes leadership in journeys, three cut off journeys, yet each dependent on the others. The first journey is upward, having a spiritual connection with God, integrating God into our lives, being God oriented. The second journey is inward. The inward journey agreeing to Blue is where we “(attend) to our own healing, attending to the stuff that's wrong with us.” Do not deny your feelings, try to by comparison them and learn from them. Feelings are the body’s way of giving us facts and we often select to ignore them. The third, final journey is outward. We cultivate relationships with many and intimacies (platonically - agapao) with a few. We find those who are honest with us and us with them.


Mark 10:17-22 is Jesus’ call to activity to give up secular gods. In reciting the Commandments in verse 19, any are not included. Notably, Jesus does not include the First Commandment. Jesus is already aware the rich young man has put other gods before God.

Modern leaders need to explore the events of Mark 10:17-22. It is not a collective interaction. Jesus asks this young man to accept a new position, a new work ethic in retain of Jesus’ mission. Leaders have a call to service, to serve the organization, its constituents, its community, and its human resources. Winston (2002) charges that too often leaders put habitancy into positions because of technical capability without taking into consideration the allinclusive good of the organization.

Pat Boone in Robertson (2004) asks what if the rich young man had sold everything, “What would he have become” (pg. Xiii)? This seems a leadership gamble, pick man because they have technical skills or for their potential to sway the organization.

Leaders often feel they need skill over potential; however, the true slave leader does not need to gamble with human assets. True Christian leaders hire the right man who fits into the organizational culture and begins an educational mentoring program.

Unfortunately, we do not know the sass to Pat Boone’s what if question. The interview did not go well for the rich young man.


Bekker, C. (2005). Exploring Leadership through Exegesis. Regent University, Virginia Beach, Va.

Blue, K. (1999). Wholesome Leadership. The Grace and healing seminar in 1999. Retrieved November 8, 2005 from

Dewey, J. (2004). The Survival of Mark's Gospel: A Good Stroy? Journal of Bibical Literature, 123(3).

DuBrin, A. J. (2004). Leadership: explore Findings, Practices, and Skills (4th Edition). Boston, Ma: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Hoffman, P. (2001). Sell Leadership Strategy in Tight Labor Markets: Bellevue University
Pfeffer, J (1998). The Human Equation: building profits by putting habitancy first. Boston, Ma: Harvard enterprise School Press.

Robbins, V. K. (2005 October 26). The Intertexture of Apocalyptic Discourse in the Gospel of Mark. Emory University. Retrieved on November 8, 2005 from

Robbins, V. K. (1996). Exploring the Texture of Texts: A guide to socio-rhetorical interpretation. Valley Forge, Pa: Trinity Press International.

Robertson, P. & Buckingham, J. (1972, 1995, 2004). The Autobiography of Pat Robertson: Shout it from the housetops. Gainsville, Fl: Bridge-Logos.

Smalling, R. L. (2005). Christian Leadership: law and Practicalities [Electronic Version]. Retrieved November 6, 2005 from [].

Sims, B. J. (1996). Gospel Text, Mark 10:46-52 - The healing of blind Bartimaeus. The center for Progressive Christianity. Retrieved November 7, 2005 from []

Stevenson, J. (No Date). Entering the Kingdom of God: Mark 10:13-31. Retrieved November 3, 2005 from

Thimmes, P. (1992). The Gospel of Mark as Good News [Electronic Version]. Catechist, 26, 36-40. Retrieved November 7, 2005 from

Winston, B. (2002). Be a Leader for God's Sake. Virginia Beach, Va: Regent University School of Leadership Studies.

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