The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Are You The Leader In Your Business? Are You Creating Momentum?
Good morning. Now, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - Are You The Leader In Your Business? Are You Creating Momentum?. Which could be very helpful in my opinion and also you. Are You The Leader In Your Business? Are You Creating Momentum?It takes a leader to originate momentum. Followers catch it. And managers are able to continue it once it has begun. But creating it requires person who can motivate others, not one who needs to be motivated. All leaders face the challenge of creating change in their organization. Just as every sailor knows that you can't steer a ship that isn't spirited forward, strong leaders understand that to change direction you first have to originate transmit progress. Without momentum, even the simple tasks can seem insurmountable. But with momentum on your side, the time to come looks brighter, obstacles appear small, and trouble seems temporary.
What I said. It just isn't the conclusion that the true about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. You check out this article for information about what you need to know is The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership
My heart skipped a beat when I read these words from John C. Maxwell, the Maxwell Leadership Bible during my morning devotion time. Thoughts sprang to mind of how I sometimes struggle with momentum and most leading how my clients struggle with momentum.
During this last join of years, it has become very clear to me, as an entrepreneur and a aid provider, that a original pain that I have witnessed in my consults and clients is one of momentum. The pain of trying to build and grow a enterprise while struggling to originate and keep momentum. Many people start a enterprise with a passion, a passion to serve the world sharing their gifts and talents, but they didn't business transaction on having to actually build a enterprise at the same time. Every day they are faced with the challenges of time, money, work-life balance, strained relationships, insufficient skills, and need hold and don't know what they need or where to get it. All of these things can cause us to stop in our tracks and not move transmit - loss of momentum.
While it is tempting to wait for the next new superstar hire or spirited and shiny agenda to magically originate the momentum we need in our business, it is not all the time the wisest strategy. We are the leaders of our own enterprise destiny.
It does not matter what kind of enterprise you run, or what kind of club you lead, the whole one key that will decree your level of your success will be momentum.
One definition of momentum is the "force or speed of movement". It will decree how high your enterprise will go and how speedily you will get there.
Momentum, by its nature, requires a lot of upfront push to get the ball rolling. Here are a few things that I have learned that can help you originate unavoidable and life giving momentum to you and your business.
1. Get clear -
What is leading to you? What are you passionate about? How do you want to serve others in noteworthy ways? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to distinguish yourself from your competitors?
2. Write down your goals, mission -
After getting clear on what you want, originate a mission statement for you and your business. Next, write down your goals to help solidify that which you have gotten clear on. originate the steps needed to push forward, give yourself a target date, and don't forget to write how you will know that you achieved it.
3. Put away the understanding of perfection -
Growing up in a home with impossible expectations, I lived most of my life chasing after illusive perfection. Every now and then it can still rear its ugly head, but I have learned to strive for excellence, not perfection. When you are waiting colse to for things to be exquisite before you move forward, you don't move- that's the other side of momentum.
4. Take control of fear -
Fear is a major killer of momentum. Afraid to fail, afraid to effect -we plainly don't move, we become paralyzed. We were not designed to walk in fear, but to walk in freedom. Free time is where energy, creativity and focus live. Make no mistake, I know very well that this is a difficult emotion to acknowledge, accept and embrace. Fortunately, when we sass the fear and its hold on our lives that keep us from where we want to go and meant to be - fear miraculously begins to loosen it hold on us and Free time begins to show up roughly saying, "I can't wait to show you all the great things that are in store for you".
5. Put one foot in front of the other -
As Nike's campaign commanded us "Just do it"! Take that first step, faultless that first task, even when you don't feel like it. Make the commitment to move forward. Each step that you take and faultless will drive you to the next step. It is extremely energizing to our spirits to" just do it". I am reminded of the dinky ditty from Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer that runs on television during the holidays, "put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking across the floor, put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door".
6. Stay positive, seek inspiration
Read books, listen to audio programs and watch videos that will uplift and inspire you - not only related to your industry, but related to life and managing life with more freedom. Inspirational books of faith and courage, and biographies of others who have gone before and succeeded. Too many times we fall into false reasoning that we are the only ones that are being challenged in unavoidable areas. Great news - not so!!
7. originate a circle of trust -
Create a small group of take people that you trust to share your journey as an entrepreneur with. Confidants that you can bounce ideas and challenges off of without the fear of being judged and betrayed. Personally, I found early on in my enterprise that I needed to originate a circle of trust with fellow women enterprise owners. Typically people who are not entrepreneurial in nature do not actually get us and the challenges we face every day as enterprise owners and aid providers. When I need a strong kick in the pants I know that my circle of trust will tell me the truth - in love of course. When I leave those conversations I feel stronger for myself and for my clients. I also feel strong and noteworthy enough to return the favor when my circle of trust peeps are in need of a kick in the pants - in love of course.
8. Get a hold team for your business, you don't have to do it all, you shouldn't do it all -
Hire a enterprise coach, maybe even a personal coach to help you construe and set goals and enterprise plan for success. In your business, spend time on only those activities where you must to deliver personally to your clients, such as coaching or speaking, and leave the rest to other professionals such as online enterprise managers, virtual assistants, copywriters, web designers - you get the picture. You can't do it all yourself without losing momentum.
9. Embrace momentum -
In John C. Maxwell's book "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership", he says that, "Momentum is actually a leader's best friend. Sometimes it's the only unlikeness in the middle of winning and losing." I can't actually add more to that - kinda says it all!
I hope that you have enjoyed this article and pray that it has been an inspiration to you - maybe even a kick in the pants. Please feel free to share with me your comments, thoughts and struggles colse to momentum or any other struggle you are having in your enterprise in the box below. It will be my satisfaction to share back.
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