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Voices of Victims: American Indian Issues
19. The "Household" Paul: The Pastorals
Laws Of Leadership - 19. The "Household" Paul: The Pastorals
Do you know about - 19. The "Household" Paul: The Pastorals
Laws Of Leadership! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Laws Of Leadership. You check this out article for facts about an individual want to know is Laws Of Leadership.How is 19. The "Household" Paul: The Pastorals
19. The "Household" Paul: The Pastorals Video Clips. Duration : 46.07 Mins.description retention In Schools
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - description retention In Schools
Hi friends. Today, I found out about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - description retention In Schools. Which could be very helpful to me and also you. description retention In SchoolsOver the years, Nigerian school administrators, especially, the lslamiyyah schools had paid Lip services to the permissible holding of records. All these schools do is plainly teach and graduate students. Any way as observed by Nti, (2000:12) in 1964, a headmaster of one former school in our neighboring Bauchi State was faced with one serious experience. A form containing many questionnaires about one of the old pupils of the school who was nominated to be appointed as the chairman of the Federal social assistance Commissioner was given to him to complete. The pupil graduated many years before the headmaster even went to former school. Therefore, the headmaster did not know the man personally and did not know what to write about him.
What I said. It is not the actual final outcome that the true about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. You check this out article for information on what you need to know is 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List
The only explication ready to the headmaster was to turn to the school records. The school records showed the year the pupil was admitted, the year he passed out, the records of his good schoraly performance, records of annual prizes given to the pupil among others.
It was these records that helped the headmaster to correctly and accurately filled the form that assisted the man to be successfully appointed.
Definition Of Concepts
School records keeping: This concept agreeing to Nti (2000:12) is the history of the school kept systematically. This means that the systematic increase of the school at varied points in time need to be fully recorded and kept by school administrators. It is the authentic register of instruments of officials accounts of transaction or accurance which are preserved in the schools office (Olanrewaju 200S).
Aleiyideino Sc et al (202) defined narrative as a written statement about a happening. School narrative holding agreeing to these scholars are records that give a lot of data about the school that will enable the authority to take decisions and asses the advance of the school. Head of School shall refer to both head teacher and principal.
Student: It shall be used to refer to both pupils and students. These records agreeing to Dibu-Ojerinde,00 and Tukur(ed) (2005:21) classified school records into (a) Statutory Records (b) schoraly Records (c) Finance Records (d) Staff Record(e) general Records.
Also linking Muslim schools to the class of voluntary agencies curious in educational development, Eke, et al (2000:46) explained that the Izalatil bid'a Wa Iqamatis Sunnah group, the Jama'atu Nasrul Islam, is the Islamic Trust of Nigeria (Itn) among others have contributed immensely not only to the amelioration of study but also to permissible school records holding in Nigeria. Here cognitive and effective domains are extremely exhibited unlike social schools that deal with only cognitive domain.
It is in light of the above that we are going to discuss the classification of school records as listed by Dibu-Ojerinde 0.0 and Tukur follows:
A). Statutory Records
1. Admission Register
This is a register of admission, advance and relinquishment of students, it should consist of the following particulars about the admitted students.
(a) Admission whole (b) Name in full (c) Sex (d) Name and address of parent/guardians (e) Day Month and year of birth (f) former school attended (g) Last class read (h) Day, month, class, of admission (i) Records of advance (j) date of leaving school (k) conjecture for leaving etc (1) replacement certificate number.
All the entries should be hand-written and corrections should be made in such a way that the former entry and the revising are both clearly distinguished. It should be kept for not less than fifteen (15) years from the date of last entry.
2. Attendance Register.
This is register that is kept for each class containing the particulars in respect of every trainee until such trainee leaves the school. Students' quarterly attendance or otherwise can be traced here easily, it should consist of (a) Admission whole (b) Name in full, sure name first etc.
3. Log Book.
This book contains records of leading events happening in the school. The history of the school can be compiled from this record. It should be kept under lock and key.
4. Visitors Book
This is a narrative showing names, address of all leading visitors to the school as well as the purpose of such visit.
5. Punishment Book
The study law permits only the head of school or his representative to levy corporal punishment on erring students. A permissible reoord is kept containing (a) The name of the offender (b) The date of such punishment (c) The nature of offence (d) the man who administered the punishment etc.
This narrative helps to safe the teachers against aggrieved parents. It can serve as inspect for the school to trace the trend of such students.
6. study Law
The school should keep study Law with its regulations to sustain the school in operating in line with such regulations.
7 National policy On Education
Each school must have a copy of the National policy on Education.
8, Inspection narrative File
This is a narrative containing the reports of visits to the school by inspectors as it helps during follow-up inspections.
9. Staff Duty Book.
This is a narrative that shows a brief narrative of happenings in the school on daily basis. In secondary schools, the perfects also write daily narrative in prefect duty book.
10. Minutes Of Meeting Book
There should be a hard cover book to be used for recording of minutes of meeting for easy reference to the decisions taken in meetings.
B). schoraly Record
i) popular ,favorite copy of syllabus
ii) schoraly Syllabus files
1. popular ,favorite Syllabus:
Academic programme of institutions are based on popular ,favorite syllabus of the policy to be run, it could be former school syllabus, Nti syllabus for teachers colleges, Waec/Neco syllabus etc. The school need a syllabus to follow.
2. Project Of Work
This is the aspect that breakdown the syllabus into teaching units. It is broken down into topics, carrying out objectives, etc. Lit has to be kept by every teacher to be marked and endorsed by the headmaster.
3. narrative Of Work Book
This aspect further break down the Project of work into weekly records of what the teacher has taught. It should be kept by teachers and cheeked and endorsed by the headmaster.
4. Episode Note Book
One may call it Episode plan, it is like the site plan for the architect. It is prepared so that you consequent it without forgetting a process. It reduces your energy of remembering the next step to do while teaching. It should consist of topic, date, time of the day, period of the lesson, age, sex, and class. Others includes: aims and objective, former knowledge introduction, presentation evaluation and conclusion.
5. Marks Books
This is used in compiling continues evaluation (Ca) record. It is used to build up Ca as it is whether on weekly, fortnightly or monthly as the case may be.
6. Continuous evaluation Dossier/Report Sheet
Schools used C.A dossier for test records for every student. Two copies are needed for a student, one for the school and someone else one for the student. It should consist of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the student.
7. School Time Table
This shows the daily activities of the school, class by class, period by period and the names of teachers handling them. It sums up the whole of period allocated to a subject and the whole of subjects arid periods taught by a teacher in a week.
8. Episode Attendance Register
It is kept by the class captain of each subject to be signed at the end of the period by teachers. It can cheek teachers who do not go to classes as and when due
9. replacement Certificate
This is in a booklet form issued to students who leave the school before getting to the concluding class. It helps both the school releasing the students and the schools receiving students.
10. Leaving Certificate
Unclaimed certificates testimonials etc should be kept under key and luck
11. Files For schoraly Records Of separate subject Matters Need To Be Kept
C). Finance Record
The school needs catalogue records such as:
i. Salary and payment voucher:- these are kept in labeled files to show Salary payment and other payments made in the school.
it School fees register:- It is kept to give the financial transactions in the school. It gives data about earnings and expenditure items. It promotes responsibility and prevents corrupt and sharp practices.
iii. Fees receipts:- It is issued to students as they pay fees while the duplicates is kept for auditor and inspectors.
iv. Cash Book:- It shows the receipts and payments of the school.
v. Ledger Book:- It is used to narrative all the debit and credit transacts of the school.
vi. Bank Reconciliation to Reconcile the School Transaction with the bank (to come into agreement)
vii. Stock Book:- It is used to keep the catalogue of the landed property and other assets of the school with liabilities shown.
viii. I.O.U Book:- This is used to assistance short term financial aid to staff, payable on payment of salary.
D). Staff Records:
i. Staff Time Book:- This is for staff attendance, it shows the tune each staff come to school (late corners cab be indubitably detected)
ii. Staff movement Book:- This is the narrative that indicate when staff move out of the school during school hours and when they returned.
iii. Staff Confidential Report: (Annual evaluation narrative Form-Aper Form) This is used for staff promotion and reward.
iv. Staff Files: Each member of staff should have a personal file, which consist of the narrative of assistance with permissible references.
v. Staff List:- List of staff suppose to be kept along with the school organization.
vi. Files on subject matter in the accounts need to be kept
E). Ejgeneral Records:
A school also need the following records:
i. Parents Teachers connection Minutes book
ii. Parents Teachers connection catalogue Book
iii. Board of Directors minutes Books
iv. Advice files and Box
v. study Book or Internal Circular File
vi. Correspondence Files on varied Subjects
Importance Of narrative holding In The Schools
The importance of narrative holding in schools agreeing to Olgboye Cited in Olararenwaji I.T (2009:1) and Dibu Ojermde and Tukur (ed) (2005:27), include;
1. It tells the history of the school
2. It facilitates continuity in the school administration
3. It facilitates and heighten the provision of effective guidance and counseling assistance for students in the social career domains
4. Provides data needed on ex-students by higher and other connected practice and employers of labour for admission or placement.
5. Facilitate the supply of data to parents or guardians for effective monitoring of the advance of their children in school or performance.
6. Provides data needed for planning and decision manufacture by school authority
7. Provide' a basis for the objective evaluation of the state of teaching and learning in the school, along with staff and students carrying out by supervisors and inspectors.
8. supply data for the school community, the general public, employers, researchers for the advancement of knowledge.
9. It ensures that the headmaster keeps strictly to the study regulations.
10. School records can be used as reference materials for both the teachers and the administrators.
Abuses Of School Records
Some time agreeing to Aleiyideino, Sc et a! (2000:79) some school abuse records holding by:
1. Non availability of records:- They do not keep such records and cannot yield same when the need arise.
2. Qoute of storage:- Some school have these records but are not properly stored agreeing to subject matter.
3. Ignorance on the part of head teachers:- Some head teachers are not even aware of the importance of records holding in school or how to even keep these records.
4. Poor management by Head teacher or supervisor:- Some Head teachers do not keep records because no body invite for such records.
5. If the data given are false or incomplete, it cannot give us accurate data needed.
This means that we must know the importance of holding records and with just and perfect data This will enable our schools to be up to date and retort to any inquire or fill any form about our school without difficulties.
Olanrewaju, I.T (2008) importance of narrative holding In School" being Paper Presented to the department of Phe University of Ilorin Pp 1-10.
2. Aleiyideini, Sc et al (2002)"Record Keeping" in Nti (2002) School management policy Book On study pp 69-78
3. Eke E(2000)"School management and Management" In Nti (2000) study Cycle 4. Pp 12-13
4. Dibu Ojerinde, 0.0 and Tukur, H (2005) "Record Keeping" Inspection hand-operated in Nti Pgde by Dls. Pp2 1-27.
Mal. Abdulkarim N. Bello
College Of Education, Jalingo
Taraba State, Nigeria.
Why Do Men Give Women So Many Bad Gifts?
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Why Do Men Give Women So Many Bad Gifts?
Good evening. Yesterday, I discovered 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Why Do Men Give Women So Many Bad Gifts?. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and also you. Why Do Men Give Women So Many Bad Gifts?Every day millions of women receive dumb gifts from the male gender that lack creativity, thoughtfulness or indicate a total lack of knowledge about what women want, like or need.
What I said. It is not the final outcome that the actual about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. You check out this article for home elevators anyone need to know is 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List
Research has recommend that over 65% of the gifts men give to women for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines day and all of the other holidays combined are returned, never used or worn or are stored in some obscure place or in the attic. Billions of dollars are wasted every year on gifts for women by men. Why?
Are men and women de facto different?
Numerous books have been written pointing out how men and women are different. In some cases I accept those apparent differences and in others I think the authors were just trying to sell more books by gift the readers a controversial title or topic. I am not involved here, I know your time is limited, with the physiological, actuarial, physical, reasoning or emotional differences, as many as there are.
My concern is, how are women different from men when it comes to needs, expectations, reactions, hopes, dreams or frustrations in the area of giving and receiving gifts.
Here is what I think. Any gift that says you love her, cherish her, respect her, understand her, know her, want her, believe in her or desire her (this list is too long to continue) is regularly pretty safe. The question is, I dare you to show me even one man, even after fifty years of marriage who knows a fraction of any of these.
Ask one women what is a Bad gift and she will tell you "anything that has a cord and a plug." My wife wanted a color Tv for the kitchen for Christmas one year. Now, here is the problem, it couldn't have a plug. It took me three days and a lot of shopping to find one that was battery operated. It also had a back-up plug. Guess which power source she uses? You guessed it the plug. What is it with plugs anyway? Many of the best gift examples in lesson ten show that plugs are O.K as long as it is something she wants.
Ladies, if you have never received a dumb or thoughtless gift from a man you have whether spent your whole life living alone in a cabin in Vermont or you have done an exquisite job of training the men in your life.
Gentlemen, if you have never given a woman a less-than-well-received gift, the rest of us poor souls salute you. You must have whether been raised in a cave filled with women of all ages, or--like Mel Gibson's character Nick Marshall in the movie What Women Want--you are just light years ahead of the rest of us who are searching for just that right gift that will earn us a extra place in the corner of her heart for the rest of our life.
I have spent the best part of my adult life trying to outline out what women de facto want and what will make them happy and satisfied when it comes to gifts. Believe me, I have made more bad choices than good ones over the years, but after painstaking investigate I believe that I finally have the answer.
Now keep in mind that when I am talking about gifts for her, I am referring to any or all of the following extra events or holidays:
- birthdays
- Christmas or Hanukkah
- Mother's Day
- Valentine's Day
- Grandmother's Day
- Groundhog Day
- the first day of spring
- the last day of summer
- the second Tuesday in June
- plus any other holiday or occasion I may have overlooked.
Got it? Any day is an proper day for gift giving from the women's perspective, and until you learn this easy lesson, you may spend a lot of time agonizing, apologizing, hiding, or squirming, or all of the above.
Here are the top twenty mistakes males make when giving gifts to women. Make any one of them to your peril.
A Bad Gift is any gift that:
1. Plugs in. (It depends--see gift-giving rules.)
2. Reminds her of a former relationship. (Always.)
3. Says, you were too busy to be creative. (Shame on you.)
4. Is de facto for your advantage and not hers. (Gotcha.)
5. Says, she is getting old. (Head for the hills, bucko.)
6. Says, she is not as beautiful as the day you met her. (You will be sleeping alone a lot from now on.)
7. Is re-packaged in any way. (I am not even going to give this one any energy.)
8. Looks like you were being cheap. (If you were, make sure you are with yourself as well.)
9. Reminds you of a former connection of yours. (What are you, just plain stupid?)
10. Says, she needs to lose a microscopic weight. (Ditto, no. 9 above.)
11. You believe will make her life easier. (Did you just land here from some distant planet?)
12. Lacks romance. (Better read Romance 101 again.)
13. Says, you de facto don't know me. (You are history, bubba.)
14. Says, you are guilty of something. (If you are, gifts are not going to do it for you here, dude; best consider just fessing up.)
15. Tries to buy your way out of the doghouse. (Just learn to be happy there.)
16. Says, she is not the town of your world. (You best get a new girl friend.)
17. Helps her be more successful in her career. (This one could be a microscopic touchy, boys.)
18. Helps her with her domestic responsibilities. (Big freaking deal.)
19. Shows your normal lack of thoughtfulness. (Your mother will not be happy about this one.)
20. Originates from motives that are less than honest. (You are not fooling anyone.)
Here are my twenty gift giving rules if you want to be a hero and not an idiot the next time you give the love of your life a gift.
There are gifts that cost money and there are gifts from your heart. Here are just a few.
The gift of honesty.
The gift of support.
The gift of acknowledgement.
The gift of interest.
The gift of friendship.
The gift of respect.
The gift of trust.
The gift of unconditional love.
The gift of conversation.
The gift of listening.
The gift of caring.
The gift of a romantic spirit.
The gift of touch.
The gift of talk.
The gift of thoughtfulness.
The gift of appreciation.
The best gifts are;
- Your time. And I don't mean just your time but your active and conscious presence while you are with her. You have to "be there" and not confidentially wishing you were fishing or on the golf course.
-Your creativity. Any idiot can buy a gift certificate. Or, if you have more money than God any jerk can buy an expensive piece of jewelry. It takes imagination and creativity to give her a gift that will bring tears of joy to her face and a smile in her heart. Trust me, these will be remembered long after she has forgotten the jewelry.
-Surprise trips. And, I don't mean fishing trips. But an evening on the town or a weekend at the beach that she wasn't expecting. It will have even greater inescapable emotional impact if you have gone out of your way in some way to make the event extra like arranging for a baby sitter or clearing it with her boss.
-Something from the past. A photo collage of a number pictures taken while on a extra trip years ago or something that has extra significance like a family heirloom that she always liked but never could have, for any number of reasons.
Let's end this with fifteen of the twenty gift giving rules. follow them and you will never again give a bad gift.
Rule number One -If she didn't ask for it make sure it is a personal item.
Rule number Two: If it plugs in don't give it to her for Valentines day, her birthday, Mothers day or Christmas or unless she asks for it.
Rule number Three: If it reminds her of a former relationship, hers or yours, forget it.
Rule number Four: Flowers express your thoughtfulness but save them for extra times. Don't use them as gifts.
Rule number Five: Cards can mean a lot but they are not gifts. They will never make up for an anticipation of a gift.
Rule number Six: A promise of a gift is not a gift. Don't make promises - whether give the gift or don't talk about it or promise it.
Rule number Nine: If it is not something she likes or wants, it doesn't matter how much it sets you back financially.
Rule number Ten: The worst gifts are gifts you Think she wants or will like because you like them.
Rule number Eleven: If the gift is an act of barter - you give her something to get something in return - it will backfire every time.
Rule number Twelve: You can hardly ever go wrong if the gift has a romantic overtone.
Rule number Thirteen: If the gift says you were too busy, don't de facto know her or it has a secret schedule - beware.
Rule number Fourteen: Once you give a gift, don't keep reminding her of how much it cost. All you do is make her feel like she isn't worth it.
Rule number Fifteen: When you give a gift. Leave it at that. Resist the tendency to add a lot of verbiage and useless words to the gift. Let your gift speak for itself.
Rule number Sixteen: When you give her a gift make sure it is for Her and not You.
Rule number Seventeen: If it has a plug, make sure she asked for it.
Rule number Nineteen: If it's on sale make sure you take the tags off of it.
I hope you receive new knowledge about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. Where you may put to use within your life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.Teachers - Five Great Games and Activities For You to Get to Know Your Students
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Teachers - Five Great Games and Activities For You to Get to Know Your Students
Good morning. Now, I found out about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - Teachers - Five Great Games and Activities For You to Get to Know Your Students. Which is very helpful for me and you. Teachers - Five Great Games and Activities For You to Get to Know Your StudentsNow that the new school year is fast approaching, it's leading that teachers get to know their new students, students get to know their instructor and students get to know each other. During my 30 plus years of teaching I have used any classroom activities as a fun and non-stressful way to get the school year started on the right foot. Here are 5 of my favorite.
What I said. It just isn't the conclusion that the real about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. You look at this article for information on a person want to know is 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List
1. Name The Student
On the first day of school my students and I played this game. I divided students into small groups of 4-6 and since my classroom seating arrangements already had my students separated into small groups, this was easy. The first learner in the first group said his name. The next learner then said his name and repeated the first student's name. The third learner gave his name and repeated the first two. This continued until all the students in the group had said their names. Then on to the 2nd group. Students not only said their names and the names of the students in their group but the previous group(s) students' names as well. Finally when all the groups were terminated I took my turn. I was pretty good at it (from all my years of experience) and my students were impressed (that's not the point). It was a great fun way to start the new school year.
2. My Favorite
Here's other fun action for you and your students to get to know each others names and to learn a few things about each other. Students sit in a circle on the floor. I start the game by thinking of a topic, food for example. I tell the students my favourite food and roll a ball to one of the other students. They give their name and favourite food and roll the ball to other student. This continues until all students have said their favourite food. The last learner gets to pick the favourite topic for the next round. The list of topics can go on and on - movies, Tv shows, music groups, etc.
3. Have You Ever
For this great activity, each learner has a list of the same 30 or so statements that I have made up. For example, have you ever:
a. Won a trophy.
b. Visited a foreign country.
c. Done anyone that you were as a matter of fact proud of.
d. Etc., etc., etc.
The students move colse to the classroom from one learner to another, asking each other these questions. When they find a learner who has done the activity, they jot down his name beside the statement. The goal is to get 3 names down for each statement. Teachers, be sure to consist of yourself in the game. After about 20 - 30 minutes stop the game and have a class consulation about what was discovered, for example which action was the hardest to fill in, who had the most names on their list, etc.
4. Three extraordinary Comments
After about three months once your students get to know each other a little better, here's a game that I as a matter of fact love. Have the students sit in a large circle. Each learner starts with a 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper with their name written at the very visibly at the top. Tell the students that they must think of 3 positive things about each person in the class. For example, good athlete, pretty smile, very helpful, good in math, very friendly, etc. Each learner passes the sheet they have to the next learner beside them in the circle. As each learner gets a sheet, he/she must write 3 positive things (anywhere on the sheet) about the person whose name is at the top of the sheet. Students should not look at the other comments on the sheet but should try to come up with their own. At the end, for a class of 30 students there should be 90 positive comments. What a great way to build learner self esteem.
5. Extra Talk and learner of the Week
Every Friday afternoon for the last duration of the day, my students and I sat down together in a circle at the back of the class had a fun consulation about what we might be doing this weekend, happenings in the school, shared jokes and other fun things and excellent a "Special learner of the Week". The Extra learner was excellent by the previous learner of the week and was chosen for any positive reasons; friendliness, helpfulness, observation of others, etc. The learner received a classroom bonus (a prize or treat). Each learner had to be excellent at least once before other learner could be excellent a second time.
Use these classroom team building activities and not only will you and your students get to know each other, but they are a great way to build learner motivation, self esteem, and learner camaraderie.
I hope you have new knowledge about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. Where you may offer used in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.Moving Forward: LGBT Rights and Foreign Policy
Laws Of Leadership - Moving Forward: LGBT Rights and Foreign Policy
Do you know about - Moving Forward: LGBT Rights and Foreign Policy
Laws Of Leadership! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Laws Of Leadership. You see this article for home elevators what you wish to know is Laws Of Leadership.How is Moving Forward: LGBT Rights and Foreign Policy
Moving Forward: LGBT Rights and Foreign Policy Video Clips. Duration : 14.80 Mins.supervision Skills - How to Deal With Attitude Problems
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - supervision Skills - How to Deal With Attitude Problems
Good morning. Yesterday, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership - supervision Skills - How to Deal With Attitude Problems. Which could be very helpful in my experience and also you. supervision Skills - How to Deal With Attitude ProblemsSome managers think attitude problems in their employees cannot be measured and therefore there is nothing that can be done. Wrong! Once you have renamed those problems as professional behaviors, you can define them, portion them, consist of them in job descriptions and even fire habitancy with them! You know the employees I mean. Some may be technically capable and may be performing the exact skills that are measured on the job.
What I said. It is not the actual final outcome that the true about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. You check out this article for facts about that need to know is The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership
They do the required whole of work; they make the required whole of sales; they take the required whole of calls.They may even be good with customers. But colse to the office or workplace they have attitude plus! They are the office nay-sayers, cynics and negativists. Or they complain about everything. They criticize every supervision initiative; they go to the union with every exiguous issue. They are right out of Dilbert and they are driving you crazy. You are getting complaints from other employees who are affected and infected by their lousy attitude. Here are the steps to take to get a better cope on this issue and give yourself some solid definitions to work with.
Step One: Redefine the words attitude question to professional behavior. It's perfectly uncostly to expect and receive professional behavior from your employees. That includes their behavior with customers, vendors, other departments and within your own division with other employees. These are the internal customers.
Step Two: If at all inherent get your Hr division to consist of the words professional behavior in every job report in your organization. It might read something like this: "Employees are required to demonstrate professional behavior in performing their job." More later on that work demonstrate. A straightforward statement like this one in every job report gives managers and supervisors what they need to work with their employees.
Step Three: If at all inherent get a section in every performance estimate form that uses the term professional behavior. It can be a straightforward statement like, "Employee demonstrates professional behavior when dealing with internal staff and external customers and vendors." I say do steps two and three if at all inherent because if you work in government, non-profits, or very large organizations you may have mystery getting this complete unless the Hr division is open to it or it doesn't clash with one of the myriad of rules, regulations, or laws that lawyers deal with. In that case you may want to skip these two steps and go right to whole four.
Step Four: Call a meeting with your staff and allow the group to define what professional behavior is in your exact division or team, doing your exact work. One way to begin is to ask first how professional behavior looks with customers; then ask if those same things apply to the internal customers. Practically all of them do. But they may come up with added things such as cooperating with other team members. (I prefer the term collaboration.There is an important difference!) Or arrival back from breaks and lunch on time, or accepting responsibility for inescapable jobs or for errors when made. The real point is to let your habitancy define what professional behavior looks and sounds like in your area. In determination terminology these are the outputs or outcomes you want. Ensure that your team's grumps are in on and active in this discussion. Refine and release these guideline for professional behavior and allow staff members to amend or add to them. When complete, give every person a copy. Now you have codified what professional behavior is in your department.
Step Five: The next time you survey staff members not following the guidelines, you have something concrete to use when having a consulation with the employee. The conversation can be straightforward and short. "Gerry, today I heard you telling Joan you were too busy to help her with the year end results. You sounded curt and vexed to me. As you know we have agreed to pitch in and help Joan each year at this time. In increasing we have a professional behavior guideline that says we are collaborative with our team and take responsibility for the team's work. What can you do to make time to act expertly in this matter?" Or you may say, "John at the last three meetings you have said negative things about our progress on the Leads Project. Your continual negativity about this and other things puts a pall over the group. Other habitancy clam up and we don't get the enthusiasm we need to do a good job on the project. I would like you to act expertly on this matter as is stated in our professional behaviors guidelines. If you have concerns about the project please come directly to me in the future."
I hope you obtain new knowledge about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership. Where you may put to use in your everyday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership.found Your Leadership Profile - How to Find the Leader Within You
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf - found Your Leadership Profile - How to Find the Leader Within You
Hi friends. Today, I learned all about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf - found Your Leadership Profile - How to Find the Leader Within You. Which may be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. found Your Leadership Profile - How to Find the Leader Within YouPonder the following questions before you read this article: Am I an efficient team leader? Do I want to lead? Do you have to have a unavoidable title or job article to lead? Are men or women great leaders? Are leaders born or made?
What I said. It is not the conclusion that the actual about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf. You see this article for facts about a person want to know is The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf.The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Pdf
But wait a little what is a leader? There are thousands and maybe millions of books, articles, and essays, written on the topic of leaders and leadership. Ask 10 citizen to define important characteristics of a good leader and you will get 10 separate answers. A leader is man who has followers. They corollary the leader because s/he influences them or has an impact in some way.
The terms leader and manager are often confused. A leader has a foresight and a longer- term view. A leader charts the policy the manager pilots the ship (executes the task.) A remarkable dissimilarity is in the always in vogue Stephen R. Covey work 7 Habits of very efficient People. The essence of the Covey dissimilarity describes the manager in the jungle directing his team to cut down the trees. They are making great progress. The leader climbs up the tallest tree and shouts "wrong jungle."
Women as Leaders
Women continue to be underrepresented in the top leadership roles of many organizations. The cusine and dietetics industry, dominated by women, is hungry for Rd leaders. Many women shun the role of leader and leave it to others. Do you want to lead? The term "glass ceiling" coined by the Wall street Journal in the 1980's describes the barriers that appear to prevent women from rising to the top of organizations. This clever yet damaging term has left too many women believing it was not potential for them to come to be senior leaders. If you believe the glass ceiling is holding you back it will. Women can choose to point the finger, blame others, or take responsibility for changing the situation
"If you believe you can...or can' are right! Henry Ford
It is a remarkable time for women to rise in the leadership ranks. Women often are comfortable with relationship-oriented styles of leadership. Leaders who focus on relationships are well positioned to be the leaders of the 21st Century virtual, multigenerational, and multicultural teams. The old command and control, general Patton style, is on its way out.
Finding Your Leader Within A leader is who you are not simply what you do. A leader is authentic, has vision, discipline, and a high degree of emotional intelligence. A leader is a catalyst. Leaders are not born and don't come to be leaders by reading an article or taking a workshop. Being a leader is about who you believe you are, inside. To be perceived by others as a leader, and to attract followers, it is important that you assume you are a leader -inside your mind. Leaders who have a severe case of "fraud factor" i.e. Doubting their own capability and asking the demand -why should anyone be led by me?- will struggle to be effective.
Do you believe you are/can be an efficient leader? If you believe inside, without a doubt, that you are an efficient leader what would turn about the way you coming leading? If you listen to your self-talk and you hear the voice of your inner critic entertaining your capability to lead, this is the first place to begin your journey toward becoming a great and efficient leader. Take the important steps to turn your self- talk until it whispers to you "of policy you are a leader." Once you do this, it will be much easier to talk, act, and look like a leader -outside. This is not easy to do but it is potential and essential. Don't get me wrong, leadership is about results. unavoidable leaders believe in themselves and get results.
Self-Coaching tips to create your leader from the inside out:
Examine your internal assumptions about who you are as a leader.
Challenge the assumptions
Learn more about you and your strengths and motivations by taking a personality assessment and discussing your results with a coach
Discover why your team does /does not corollary you. Take a personality assessment to see yourself more accurately
Take steps to confront your inner critic when she whispers doubts in your ear.
"Act as if "you are a leader.
Talk like a leader: Listen to how you speak. Do you use direct, clear, brief language of leaders that gets "heard?" On the other hand, is your transportation wordy, weak, and filled with qualifiers and hedges?
Look like a leader. A leader has a demeanor that says 'confident' - the body language and handshake of a leader.
Leadership develops. Our profession needs efficient leaders. Accept the challenge to do what it takes to organize the leader within you.
Good Leadership References
Sidebar Books:
7 Habits of very efficient citizen Stephen Covey
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership John C. Maxwell
Why Should anyone be Led by You? Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway Susan Jeffers
How to Say It for Women Phyllis Mindell
Now, inspect Your Strengths Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton
Wall street Journal
Nice Girls Don't Get the projection Office Lois Frankel PhD
What Is Human resource development (Hrd)?
21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - What Is Human resource development (Hrd)?
Hi friends. Today, I learned all about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List - What Is Human resource development (Hrd)?. Which is very helpful in my experience and you. What Is Human resource development (Hrd)?What is Human reserved supply improvement or Hrd? How valuable is it in a business? How does it differ from Human reserved supply Management?
What I said. It just isn't the conclusion that the true about 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List. You look at this article for home elevators an individual want to know is 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List.21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership List
Human reserved supply improvement covers a major function of Human reserved supply administration which focuses on the pro advancement of an organization's workforce and processes. It is a blend of training and studying that helps enhance the skills of the company's employees.
The aim of Human reserved supply improvement is to build superior teams and departments, which will succeed in strategic advantage as businesses and clubs compete against one another.
It honestly makes sense then that an organization's activities revolve nearby doing administration and workforce planning. This will have a serious impact on your company's recruitment success. How is this possible? Well, this happens in several ways:
Performance Management
a) Training
It is not adequate that hiring managers and Hr professionals may bring post secondary training or pass on the job training to your workplace. In order to recruit successfully for your team or workgroup, they need to receive business and / or commerce definite training and lessons in order to enhance their skills. Straight through on the job training and coaching, your hiring team can conduct to recruit more employees. They will be obvious in your needs and as well as your long term goals.
b) doing Reviews
Those members of your team engaged in recruitment services and option activities who are not above doing reviews. You must have measures of success for this leading function, and they must be linked with a theory of accountability that is consistent and understood by their colleagues. If you are not happy with the results of your organization's recruitment efforts, the doing reveal is one great tool that allows you to consider and address the opportunities for business and employee improvement.
Workforce Planning
Your recruitment professionals should have tools and processes for proactively addressing the labour needs of your organization. Succession planning and trend prognosis can help you to anticipate shortages or openings in your team, and with that foresight, your business will be able to rejoinder more effectively to fill those needs.
Human reserved supply improvement is about investing in your workforce to build a strong and committed team. It is all about developing and optimizing your employees' skills to its fullest potential. Human reserved supply improvement or Hrd is valuable to this paradigm. One major point of Human reserved supply improvement is building a prosperous leadership team that walks the talk of Hrm.
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New Hero In America - Senator Dodd Tube. Duration : 8.45 Mins.House Session 2012-06-05 (17:02:36-18:03:10)
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House Session 2012-06-05 (17:02:36-18:03:10) Tube. Duration : 56.92 Mins.Eurozone Crisis - Soros
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Eurozone Crisis - Soros Video Clips. Duration : 72.78 Mins.Nice Girls Don't Get the corner Office 101 - A Book overview
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Summary - Nice Girls Don't Get the corner Office 101 - A Book overview
Hi friends. Yesterday, I found out about The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Summary - Nice Girls Don't Get the corner Office 101 - A Book overview. Which could be very helpful if you ask me and also you. Nice Girls Don't Get the corner Office 101 - A Book overviewDr. Frankel clearly identifies the coarse mistakes -101 in
all--that women commit unconsciously to sabotage their
careers. This book provides revolutionary guides to help
the women of today eliminate the girl-like behaviors they
became accustomed with, which hold them back professionally.
The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership Summary
How You Play the Game
Unfortunately, women are not as trained to partake in
competitive sports. It is only recently that women started
making their marks in this field. Thus, most women do not
know the rules of the game of business. They plainly do not
know how to play it--and more importantly, how to win it.
Some of the coarse mistakes women commit as they play the
game of company are: pretending it isn't a game; playing
the game safely and within bounds; working hard; doing the
what you want; avoiding office politics; being the
conscience; protecting jerks; retention your tongue;
failing to capitalize on relationships; and, not
understanding the needs of your constituents.
How You Act
Being thriving in the world of company is not only
dependent on your knowledge of how to play it. It is also
important to know how to act, professionally. Dr. Frankel
enumerates some unlikely behaviors in the workplace that
can be hard work busters.
These are: polling before production a decision; needing to
be liked; not needing to be liked; not asking questions
for fear of sounding stupid; acting like a man; telling
the whole truth and nothing but the truth (so help you
God); sharing too much personal information; being
overly involved with offending others; denying the
importance of money; flirting; acquiescing to bullies;
decorating your office like your living room; feeding
others; offering a limp handshake; being financially
insecure; and, helping.
How You Think
Changing the way you think can greatly impact a convert
in your career. Note the beliefs and opinion patterns
you learn early in girlhood that you need to consider
and then ultimately forget.
Some of these are: production miracles; taking full
responsibility; obediently following instructions;
viewing men in authority as father figures; limiting
your possibilities; ignoring the quid pro quo (something
that's exchanged in return for something else); skipping
meetings; putting work ahead of your personal life;
letting habitancy waste your time; prematurely abandoning
your work goals; ignoring the significance of network
relationships; refusing perks; production up negative
stories; and, striving for perfection.
How You Brand and market Yourself
Marketing oneself is as prominent as marketing a
specific brand. Think of yourself as a brand that's
needs to be marketed effectively. Alongside these come
some prominent points that women need to particularly
The following are some mistakes to avoid in marketing
yourself: falling to define your brand; minimizing your
work or position; using only your nickname or first name;
waiting to be noticed; refusing high-profile assignments;
being modest; staying in you security zone; giving away
your ideas; working in stereotypical roles or
departments; ignoring feedback; and, being invisible;
How You Sound
Put extra concentration to your choice words, tone of voice,
speed of speech and opinion club process. These
usually matter more than the article of your speech. An
articulately delivered speech will help you be branded
as knowledgeable, certain and competent. Remember,
how you sound comprises 90% of your credibility.
Take note of these coarse mistakes: couching statements as
questions; using preambles; explaining; asking permission;
apologizing; using minimizing words; using qualifiers; not
answering the question; talking too fast; the inability to
speak the language of your business; using nonwords; using
touchy-feely language; sandwich-effect; speaking softly;
speaking at a higher-than-natural pitch; trailing voice
mails; failing to pause or reflect before responding.
How You Look
There is this coarse opinion that "the best and the
brightest are rewarded with promotions and choice
assignments." This is entirely wrong. Those who are
competent enough, sound and look good are the ones who
move forward in their careers. Statistically, investigate
shows that 55% of your credibility comes from how you
look; 38% from how you sound; and, only 7% from what
you assuredly say.
Carry yourself properly by avoiding these mistakes:
smiling inappropriately; taking up too microscopic space;
using gestures inconsistent with your message; being
over- or underanimated; tilting your head; wearing
inappropriate makeup; wearing the wrong hairstyle;
dressing inappropriately; sitting on your foot; grooming
in public; sitting in meetings with your hands under
the table; wearing your reading glasses colse to your
neck; accessorizing too much; and, failing to claim
eye contact;
How You Respond
It is prominent to know how to respond to the ways others
treat you. And some of the coarse pitfalls women do as a
response to a certain gesture are as follows:
Internalizing messages; believing others know more than
you; taking notes, getting coffee, and production copies;
tolerating inappropriate behavior; exhibiting too much
patience; accepting dead-end assignments; putting the
needs of others before your own; denying your power;
allowing yourself to be the scapegoat; accepting fait
accompli (irreversible or predetermined decisions);
permitting others' mistakes to inconvenience you; being
the last to speak; playing the gender card; tolerating
sexual harassment; and, crying.